Microsoft Windows 8

The final version is already out.Out , i mean on the torrents.Is it worth it to change from win 7 to win 8?
probably not since its 2new. windorks is a shit os anyway, get linux way faster.

but i have never used linux,got no ideea how it works or how to handle it
its not wise to take advice from seareal anyway so dont worry!
word in the streets is that he is cool guy,and u ain t
i hear a lot of things too
go hear somewhere else,this my journal bitch,gtfo
journals are free to hear in unlike pm's
than stick to the subject,i dont care what u think bout seareal,if u have smt to say bout win 8 go ahead,if not be silent
Why would i? Dont you know what website this is?
thanks god ,ignore function works.bye moron
kids & tards Headquarters ?

its easier to use then windows, example, arch linux is a bitch to install, the new instalation is without a gui, u haveto type everything in via keyboard :D but when ur in linux desktop, u just open ur terminal and type
pacman -S skype, and u will have skype installed or pacman -S pidgin and its already installed :P not always that easy, but its kinda fun to learn :)

ubuntu should be easy tho^^ mint linux or maybe even debian

i recomond a dual boot system :) with windows and linux,
that will never work on my shit pc,intel core 2 duo cpu ,e4500 2,20 ghz,and 2 gb of ram
i dont think that matters since u will be runing 1 os at a time :P
i had worse ^^ im sure (might be wrong) linux uses less system power/resources (cpu/ram..) then windows xp or windows 7 ^^
Linux actually uses them more effectively than windows does.
i heard it does use less system resources,but the thing i m affraid,is that i m really out of the question when it comes bout computers,i m what u call a noob.i m affraid i won t learn how to use linux,and i remember few years ago i was talking on ubuntu forum and they adviced me that if i dont know minimum about this linux,not to install it.with win on the other hand i m familiar with ,cause i ve been using it since there was windows 3.1 on 386 and 486 computers :D.what a time that was :P
u can install ubuntu from ur desktop, and it will work

u will have almost everything after u boot into the linux desktop

google + youtube = will tell you everything u need to know = win :)
its a fun os^^
i got the windows installed and it ask me for username and pw.i put a username and pw and it give me error,pw dont match.i dont get it :D
true dat but i gave ubuntu a shot already a few times...
everytime i switched back to windows because some hardware is just a bitch on linux.
i m using a saffire6 usb soundcard for my monitors and i ve browsed tons of forums to figure how to get it running without any success...
on windows many hardware things are just waaaayy easier...
had hardware problems on windows, my hard disks wer failing hard, on linux everything worked better faster stronger :P never had hardware probs on linux, but i dont got any external harddrives 17monitors and other fancy equipment just some baisc hardware, didnt had any problems, except with arch linux @ install :D
i know on basic equipment it works really good... still without my soundcard i cant do anything on linux, since i mainly wanted to try out music production programs and dj tools as well as vsts...
steelseries usb soundacrd works good :P
well if you try googling issues with saffire6 usb youll find a ton of threads in several forums without any real solution :<
i could install arch;D its not so hard if u have the time to read the wiki...
Archlinux built with the same features as Windows 7 has (so it is fine for all day use) is no faster than Windows 7. There are serveral benchmarks / unpacking / boot / start up / .... test out there which proof that.

So why should I break my head about building up an OS (which then is even more pain in the ass to keep up to date as new updates might break smth, etc) when I could simply install Windows 7 and remove the stuff I don't need (which takes 15 minutes) ?
bullshit much :>D
nope it's the truth. I really did a lot of reading and testing. I even did long-term tests with benchmarking on 2 computers with exactly the same hardware specs. One using Archlinux/Ubuntu/Debian and the other one Windows 7 (with anti-virus,firewall,etc). Windows pretty much won in all categories for me and I always switched back to Windows 7.

Anyway, hands down OSX is the worst OS.
software runs better and faster on linux

if you dont belive me, steam or valve did the benchmarks aswell, and they found out linux is better fuor games
lol, you take the l4d2 test serious? they did compare directx vs opengl, opengl is mostly allways faster, but anyway, yeah there is no problem to use linux, you can get easy distros like ubuntu "out of the box", or you can biuld up own sys with arch linux

performance win vs linux? some apps will run faster under windows, some under linux, but you can run "all" applications under linux, and linux will perform better under load
this, if you dont like playing games on your computer.

also you will need to learn how it work (it isnt to hard still)
Windows 8 could be the making of Ubuntu 12.04 :p

Ubuntu is really easy to use, any n00b can do it :p plus Valve are making Steam for Linux and L4D2 for Linux. This means there will finally be good games available.

I suggest running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine on Windows. Check out which is a free VM and pretty good :) setting up your whole PC to run Linux can be a little bit tricky for first timers but there's many many guides and plenty of people on here or the wider internet can give you assistance.
but if i dont use virutalbox,just normally when i start pc i choose linux or windows and when i wanna play et can i choose linux?it works with tzac?
Using Chimera as bootloader here, very nice.
- 2012
- windows 8
and im still using xp
well i like xp too,but since i got this pc with win 7 on it...
Windows 8 is bullshit what a cunt platform, I will stay at Windows 7.
windows 7 is bullshit, what a shit os, il stay on windows 7
Go back to linux you bitch!
you can actually use TZAC with linux, check tzac forum for guide.
link? i searched the forums but couldnt find any...
ye there's a topic but u chaplja must let you use it otherwise it wont work
still using xp, as long as office 2007, lol and et works...
postpone changing to 7 as long as you can, it sucks
Tried the leaked RTM version. Why remove the start menu? Can it not coexist with Metro? It's terrible. Another Vista. I hope the wait for Windows 9 isn't too long.
got windows phone 7 and the "metro" design is really nice, but that's for a phone, for a computer that seems retarded and I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to use.. they really should focus on improving the traditional gui instead. I'm writing this on my laptop with windows xp which still to this day is the easiest and most convenient to use for me (and i'm running windows 7 on my stationary).
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