razer headset

image: razer-electra-headset
just bought this headset but it seems it got no microphone , it has 2 weird cable's any 1 knows what the cable's are for?

here are the cable's 1 normal and 1 weird cable
image: razer_electra-400-400

image: hot-chick
buy something without knowing what the hell it is or does, good game u just totally wasted ur money xD
why don't you just read from the packet what it contains?
I would be so ashamed...
just read again and take look to your post... can't use your brain just 2 sec ? :D
looks like the mic is on the cable
ja ziet er uit , maar als ik me headset luidset kunnen ze dat geluid op ts horen maar me stem neemt die precies niet
ze horen zichzelf via jou?
even normale zinnen maken pls :P
wel kijk als ik me headset kk luid zet horen ze die muziek . maar als ik gewoon praat kunnen ze me niet horen
dan staat je audio misschien op stereomix
Packet contents
1.Razer Electra essential gaming & music headset
2. 1.3m audio cable
3. 1.3m inline microphone audio cable
ja dus moet ik wss drivers ofso instelle maar hebdaar geen verstand van
hahah waal
2nd cable is obviously for volume control on some ipod shiet
its not , there is a little hole in it
thats the mic, duh. just like iphone earphones
then why they cant hear me on ts , they only hear my sounds from my headset
install drivers ect?
im not too sure. cus my headset have a boom mic. i looked at what i was buying when i bought it :DD
If there's no mic I recommend you to get zalman ZM-MIC 1. I have had that for like 2 months and working perfectly. It's cheap also
bitch plz, i bought a random genius mic 7 years ago for like 2€ and still works.
rofl :D
The 'weird' cable is the microphone itself. Probably it has 3 stripes in the jack instead of 2 like the speakers cables.
1. why would u buy something without first knowing what it is?

2. is that hayden panettiere from heroes photoshopped onto someone's body and photoshopped some extra makeup? lul
Who is she? And what her name?
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