ETSneak, avid PunkBuster supporter, caught trying to buy cheats
8 Aug 2012, 01:28
Esteemed ETPub 4on4 admin and avid punkbuster supporter getting rolled by his own stupidity.
As you can see from this quote the knob gobbling faggot is inquiring about bypassing TZAC.
Undeniably ETSneak himself, who has publicly accused ohurcool of cheating several times. Also posted this journal in which he "busts" somebody. As you can see not the most intelligent person in the community, so when [CB]ohurcool found the above quote I did some additional investigating.
(also attempting to purchase a cheat for UrT)
I knew you were dumb, but I didn't think you were that dumb.
Links removed, sources available
As you can see from this quote the knob gobbling faggot is inquiring about bypassing TZAC.
Undeniably ETSneak himself, who has publicly accused ohurcool of cheating several times. Also posted this journal in which he "busts" somebody. As you can see not the most intelligent person in the community, so when [CB]ohurcool found the above quote I did some additional investigating.
(also attempting to purchase a cheat for UrT)
I knew you were dumb, but I didn't think you were that dumb.
Links removed, sources available
10/10 would bust again
[20:08:01] <[CB]ohurcool> Status: Online (Searching whiteLight Community @ 08:07 PM)
[20:20:37] <[CB]ohurcool> Last edited by mkay; 28 Minutes Ago
another failed accusation lmao. If that were me why would I "Get back to what i was working on" if I had already done the edits 8 minutes before that?
[19:34:13] <[CB]ohurcool> posting on cheat forums
[19:50:48] <+ETsneak> lol?
plenty of time for editing :)
SneaK: hack more
SneaK: You deserve some fucking schooling hacker
stillyou dont have proof..
also, why are you browsing cheat sites?
why are you POSTING on cheat sites, asking for TZAC-proof cheats? :D
I'm not posting on cheat sites asking for tzac-proof cheats, or can you prove that? No, you can't. But you proved it yourself that you are accessing those sites. Nice selfbust.
think about it - you, someone who has openly admitted to having multiple pbbans, are accusing me, someone who has no pbbans whatsoever and is an admin at ClanBase, of being "in the cheating side of community", (whatever that means :D)
nice selfbust indeed!
also the fact that you use PB in your competitions is proof enough for me. :DD using outdated AC so cheats aren't detected, such a smart move.
he is a cheater, and just because I say he's a cheater doesn't mean I'm switching things onto other people. I called him a cheater first, and then he started making up these rumors. So now tell me who's really switching things around? I didn't go post some bullshit rumors up on CF when calling him a cheater, but he did that for me. Seems like he takes shit seriously. According to your own "logic" he is "acting like how a cheater acts" by changing the topic over to me. No matter what you call this, the "proof ploz" is really what's necessary. Without proof this all means nothing, and if he ever was able to prove it that would once again be a fail and a selfbust :D.
There's nothing else to use in etpub competition than PB dumbfuck. Cheats are detected, and there are additional checks from the streaming service.
give up with this selfbust crap.. nobody buys into it. :D they did what previous league admins have done, Killerboy for example is one of the best Anti-Cheat admins ever in ET and he registered to cheater forums to catch out cheaters many times. does it make him a cheater? no.
"There's nothing else to use in etpub competition than PB dumbfuck" - maybe this is the point where you realise etpub competition is POINTLESS? :D there's a reason the mod is called etPUB you fucking tool, it was designed for PUBLIC servers.
how stupid you are actually amazes me.
etpub comp isn't pointless kid.
I host comp on etpub because I've been playing nothing but etpub lately and me and gerb wanted to make a tourney out of it like it used to be in .5.
etpub actually has alot more features than etpro, the differences that make etpro better in some aspects would be things like hitboxes and an overall more consistent gameplay and things just seem more polished in etpro. Anyway there are things etpub has that etpro could definitely use.
etpub isn't shit, and your a typical etpro faggot who always talks shit about anything non-etpro. All that does is make you look ignorant and foolish. Get an open mind and a brain for once and find out the facts instead of just assuming things.
you're also a typical pubmod faggot, can tell it in every sentence you write.
pubfaggot 0
and u didnt get a score
10/10 would bust again
look here:
embarrassed: "Yes, back in May I predicted you returning to the ET scene..."
embarrassed: "I wasn't aware of your existence in May..."
I'm sure you will say something stupid like "That was sarcasm" or something implying that it was, but why do you choose May? The month I happened to come back into ET? Obviously wasn't sarcasm. You just showed everyone how stupid you really are. Two posts in one day and you change your story? Nice.
Sorry about your missing chromosome.
Using your logic, next thing you are going to tell me is that was sarcasm or something.
>buying hacks for return to castle wolfenstein: enemy territory
anothet thing i dont get it,is why people who actually admit even now that they cheat,are still allowed to be around,infestating and crawling on cf territory like some little genetic modified rats.
Can't believe you think ohurcool cheats lol :DDDDDDD
You should accuse eitileda plz , that would like change my life
I doubt Jon would hack though, played with and against him a few times and he's a fun play not with the attitude I'd expect of a cheater but I can be wrong!
On the other hand etsneak your reaction is quite surprising. you remind me of a little child whos just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You're panicing, spamming rubbish out without thinking which says to me theres more to your side of this than meets the eye!
this guy is ridiculously retarded.
Why do people not understand anything at all about anticheat? Or software in general...? TZAC isn't some all powerful anti cheat which will never be / has never been / isn't currently being bypassed. There are several hackers on TZAC who do not get banned. Not as an insult to TZAC directly, but ALL anticheats are possible to get around, all software in the history of computing has been cracked, all movies have been ripped.. no matter the protection. It's a rule of how things work, ask any hack coder worth atleast a penny and they will tell you the same thing. Nothing is 100% safe, stop assuming that people on TZAC are legit just because it's a driver level anticheat.
I can 100% agree with you that there ARE cheaters on TZAC, e.g. publics and such, but chaplja doesn't put as much effort into banning those. e.g. in the spring he waited like 2 months without banning people, then banned 250 people in one night. gets people scared and the same thing will happen again. :)
I'm the only one here with legitimate responses to the bullshit.