Travel to Prague

Hello there!

I am going to travel to Prague (Czech Republic) this september. I am wondering about places to stay, places worth visiting (rather sightseeing than clubbing) and of course places where you can eat well and of course eat tasty : ]

Next think I'd like to know (if someones is able to help me - hello xfire czech nerds :d) is how much money do I need for taxis (if there's a need), accomodation (per person / nigtht) and stuff like entrance.

Gay music for all of u:

I think that's all.
Cheers and keep yo heads up! ALWAYS!
Have fun Admina :)
thanks magyarok :)
(rather sightseeing than clubbing)

nigga plz
i've been there years ago back in school time. sadly we just been there for like 5 hours, so we havent seen that much.
just can name you the obvious places to visit like charles bridge (which is really nice and always crowded, you have some drawers/painters there which draw carictures/pictures from you)
from the castle you get a nice view over the city, the cathedral next to the castle was quite impressive to watch, tho im not really interested in church architecture at all.
also quite famous is the golden lane (dont really know why exactly) where you can see kafkas house, dunno if theres more to see , maybe some gold? cant say :<
close to the charles bridge theres a mcdonalds if you need some fast food xD
I would say it like this..

Charls Bridge (Karlův Most), National theatre/museum,Prague Castle,i dont know how to say it in english but probably Cathedral of St. Vít (Katedrála Svatého Víta :D..

By the way,if u want to have fun,and awesome food go there:

I promise,you will like it ;-)

PS: Prague is just about clubbin :D
thanks a lot!
ADMAN!!!! When you going? I'm going out there with my mates on the 6th september to the 11th. Naughty weekend!
I am not sure yet... Most likely last weekend of september or third weekend of october. It depends on few things - my girlfriend and our payments (+ 'outcomes' :p).

You should visit Kraków (Cracow), Poland. Awesome place!:P Too bad I am not living there :(
Hahaha, well we're going out there and it's going to be off the rip!!
[pl] bylem tam w maju, wprawdzie na 3 dni i raczej melanz, ze zwiedzania to glownie centrum zesmy obadali ale juz kminie nad powrotem bo jest duzo wiecej do zobaczenia. mieszkalismy w hostelu 13 km od centrum, wiec dosc sporo, ale za 2 noce zaplacilismy po 40 zl za glowe :d taxi w nocy kosztowalo 350 koron, nie pamietam juz jaki to przelicznik ale na 4 osoby niewiele to nas generalnie wychodzilo za taki kawal. nie polecam jezdzic na gape tramwajami za to, kanar jak nas dojechal to chcial po 10 000 koron za glowe w przypadku niezaplacenia mandatu:D a ze jechalismy jeszcze z browarami to policje wzywal itp haha:D ale jakos sie dogadalismy, tak czy siak lepiej unikac takich problemow ;) samo miasto mistrz!
jak dobrze pamietam, to Ty gdzies z okolic KRK jestes, tak? busem jechaliscie do pragi, pociagiem, czy autem?
ta, nawet dokladnie z krk ;P ale nie powiem Ci ile wyszlo za paliwo, bo jechalismy firmowa fura kumpla i mielismy wache za darmo ;D
you just have to go to the middle of the town center (to the building with the famous clock) at a certain time any day of the week and you will get a free sightseeing tour in english to every important places in the city (takes like 2,5 hours)
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