Shirt designer needed

Hey crossis :)

For the upcoming lan in oct. we wanna wear some awesome shirts or even maybe gamingjerseys.

So maybe anyone is bored at the moment and is good in design jerseys.. would be nice if someone could help us :)

Thelogo : image: logo2

If you wanna contact us just PM me here or come IRC

Thanks <3
Randompic for motivation ;) : image: tumblr_m5a1jc37eo1rn9p6qo1_500
I bet i'm the only one who read Shit designer needed
Yes you are, retard.
xD u shaved vagina
we all heard you're sheared and look like a shaved pubis
where do you order them?
We're going to be offering teams the chance to have their own custom shirts for a REALLY good price. Designs will be relatively basic, and they will be polo shirts (really good quality, we just got some for staff). Can also organise hoodies for a great price as well.

If you're interested, get at me via PM.
check irc brah
Sean, I want you to know that, in my humble opinion, you are... THE MAN.

wtf, i cant wear this shirt.....i miss beer & wilthener bottles all around my name
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