Own Homepage

Yo guys,

i wanna make my own Homepage for our Sportsbar and i wanted to ask if you know some good websites, which offer good support/possibilities whatever.

Basically i got some good Photoshopskills and i'd like to use my own design, BUT i dont really have the knowledge of coding (If it is easy, then i can learn it np). Would be cool if there is a website where i can just upload Images with drag and drop whatever and it codes the website by itself (possible?) It doesnt have to be very professional... just need like 3-4 different pages with Opening times, Menu, Specials, Fotoalbum and maybe a guestbook.

Please no websites which cost 100000000 euro :/


image: honk-if-you-like-bikinis-6
Do it with Adobe Muse.
It's basically Photoshop but it codes your websites really quickly. It also integrates some javascript with lightboxes, sliders, etc.
If it's a pure html website, just go with this software. It's what you need :)
Sounds cool; never heard of that before :P
cheers, gonna check this out. thx :)
AWESOME program!

Downloaded at adobe.com and using the trialmode. Doing my own website now and it is really perfect and easy. thanks a lot beck!
you failed at replying to me :DD I'm glad it helped, it totally changed my coding life to be honest. In my job I sometimes have to code basic html mini-websites and I always do it with muse. It takes me less than 15 minutes to get everything done.
There are a lot of really good tutorials on adobe's website but tbh, you'll learn to use it without them :)

Your best random chick for me please ? :( :DDD
where to get muse?
that is the same question as which button do i need to click on the mouse to acces the Internet
download it at adobe.com as trialmode

search for key in the web
sounds like microsoft frontpage
Believe me, it's way better. Check the tutorials and presentation videos here : http://www.adobe.com/products/muse.html
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
no, that's not what he is looking for. Dreamweaver requires basic knowledge in html coding, adobe muse doesn't.
Quote(If it is easy, then i can learn it np)
html ain't that easy to learn, you'll need a week at least to understand the basics and be able to use it properly.
What is a week :P
Too much of a waste of time when you got other things to do. Unless you're unemployed, it requires way too much time for what it is :)
A week is 7 days.
"One week" is easy...
Well, he would spend less time building his website on muse than coding it on dreamweaver...
thats right he shouldn't use dreamweaver anyway ;)
Freewebs! Nah kidding.

Usually they(Some sites which sells sites) provide a site where all the basics are done and you just need to add your own. They won't look great but they'll definitely do the job. Also it is pretty easy.
You will not be able to learn html, php, css, mySQLjs, etc. so fast. It takes time, even just coding the theme will take a lot of your time, to learn how to. For beginners its the best way to use a warmup and eat scripts like pre-built cms systems, to get some that will fit your needs use http://www.opensourcecms.com/

and after that, you just go to that official site and ask someone that knows that system well, to build it, if it isn't allready done. Drag & drop gallery - i recommend html5 for that.

image: 46183%20-%20animated%20did_not_read_lol%20gif%20image_macro%20lol_didnt_read%20meme%20rainbow_dash%20tl%253Bdr

Em, html and css aren't coding languages, they're scripting languages and it takes some days to learn it.
To be fair if you really want to learn it, it takes like 1 day of work to understand it. Of course it will take a while until you can use it properly but it is definitively not hard to understand~~
who said it is :) but ok your pic says all^^
i do it for 200 euro np
wat sportsbar?
try wix.com
Just use joomla..no real coding needed!
Using a WYSIWYG editor is basically what you're looking for, but it is terrible practice, especially for a business.
yeh what he said, you can also pay embarrassed to make it for you. He does that shit for a living!
Made my website and it was brilliant for a cheap price!

A+++ will ask him to do all my future website building for me!
or any other like tinymce. Just depends what he wants, static or dynamic website...
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