free mind

[17:34:18] Closing Link: miNd`_ by (G-lined (I told you that you are not welcome on Quakenet))


image: ei%20peukku

freedom of speech? police state ???? hitler? stalin? mussalini????? mao bigdong? kim jung illest motherfucker on the planet????? kony??????? mugabe????? mladic?????milosevic???????????? pol pot??? hochiminh??? bush?? gestapo???? fritz?????
16:40:22 miNd_` • LIKE REALLY?
16:40:36 • wut is now known as WuT
16:40:50 miNd_` › slaps Sorcerer around a bit with a large trout
16:40:54 miNd_` • u never said that to me
16:41:06 miNd_` • since ive been G-liNED for while NOW HEHE
16:41:31 miNd_` • and what kind of sad fuck really egts mad over "i would say fukc u but i wont since i know ur iRC COP" and g-lines someone for week++=
16:41:33 • LeafCSein [[email protected]] has left #crossfire
16:41:55 • bouldefrop [[email protected]] has quit IRC
16:41:56 • cymky` [[email protected]] has joined #crossfire
16:42:13 miNd_` • oh, and for a one single "fukc u nagger" see. nagger
16:42:18 • Kamz is now known as KAMZ
16:42:35 miNd_` • is that really a reason for being g-lined forever=DD
16:42:51 • miNd_` [[email protected]] has quit IRC
16:44:18 • miNd_` [[email protected]] has joined #crossfire
16:44:24 miNd_` • FUKC U NIGGER HOMO :D
16:44:34 miNd_` • U NEVER ABLE TO BAN ME OWNED :D
Get back on :D?
im there but i have to hide, their looking for me,
haha nice nickname :D:D
:D:D nice ass-licking fucking retard
Now it's just getting annoying
omg wut omfg!
Never seen an anonymous user being banned for nothing, wtf did you do to sorcerer ?
He said something about naggers
How come I didn't guess...
I pretty much where chatting with Goku & co, normal iRC stuff, said to goku like nigga please! Sorcerer then stood up and said no racism on quakenet!

Then i pretty said to him as a joke "normally i would say fukc u n****** but i know ur iRC COP!!!" then he got mad pretty much banned my Q account for day, then i rejoined back and said like what was that for, all i said was "nagger" and then i was banned for ever

well, this is the kind of thing that can usually be sorted out by a small and smart discuss... Just try to explain your case to another admin and apologies. This is kinda fucked up to be glined for such a fool thing. :s
16:44:24 miNd_` • FUKC U NIGGER HOMO :D
16:44:34 miNd_` • U NEVER ABLE TO BAN ME OWNED :D
that's a good way to deal with a frustrated full powered irc op, cya on a bnc "diNm".
Not sure if referencing to me or not :D
not referencing to you at all, just a reaction to mind's quote.
said to goku like nigga please! Sorcerer then stood up and said no racism on quakenet!
fkn lol'd
Heil the great IRC dicktator
mind with all the respect ,but you know what you are now????


p.s. this journal made me come back here,just to remind u how is feel like to be me
i know that feel bro..

but i dont care :D et.6on6 glined with 500 users and not a single fuck was given
old good times
irc 24/7 nerds sooo mad
1 free miND please :P
mind is a scenegroup
good ban
brb renaming to mind & mind`
16:42:18 • Kamz is now known as KAMZ
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