LB Clan: In Search Of Success

When I first restarted the LB Clan, a lot of people showed support and excitement. The servers were very active and the forum membership rose quickly. We put a lot of effort, Mark and I into setting the pub server up so that it covered what we felt would appeal to most players. A good map rotation. 30 minute time limit so players can either frag without being stuck on that map forever, or play the objective. Mark put a lot of time into learning the Lua's and K-mod commands so players can see HP's, sprees, banners, next map banners, etc. Perfectly crafted for success

Looking back over the last month, I have to ask, what happened?

Did I drop the ball??

Do something wrong??

I thought I had it all figured out, but apparently not. I can see the first mistake I made was creating an admin team with good players, but people who are not ready to lead. People who are not committed to put the time into what it takes to build a successful enterprise; and that's what this is. An attempt to build something that is viable and competitive. That dream has not died.

I think it's time for a change. I think it's time to get real serious about something I'm passionate about and that's to restructure.

Admittedly, I can't do it alone, so I'm asking my readers to look deep inside themselves and and decide if the want to be a part of something that can, no, that WILL grow. I need active admins with real leadership skills.
I need a captain that will work to build the War teams I envision. I need people that are motivated and skilled, not just at playing, but who understand that a clan is a collective of many parts and that when the parts stop working, the body stops working.

The framework is still there. A pub server, a war server, a TS3 server, IRC, Forum, expansion into other games, a desire to compete.... that's the outline that everything else is built around. The leadership is the foundation. The admins are the heart.

Now, it's time to find the rest of the parts. Ask yourselves, do you want to be a part of something that is real?? Or do you just want to bounce from place to place, without any real purpose?
Nice read, enjoyed
Thx Goku... :D
Wrong url.
Just edit your journal. Will be much easier for others.
i m avi as i was in the first place when i asked u to let me join your clan and u took words of vatu and other kids that u have admins for granted and let their hate to lead your clan.

i m not saying i can make lb more populated than other pubs but i m saying it will not be empty.

but u gotta decide :u want kids in your clan who maybe are fun for couple of hours,or u want men who respect u and expect same respect back and u can rock the roads with them for long time?
The problem with you is that you get into these fights with people over nothing. Drama!
I don't want drama in my clan
the problem is that u dont know anything bout me.let me tell u concret how i would do my job as admin

first ,i would play only on your server
second i would try to advertise as much as possible
coming bout fights,if they insult me without reason,warning than mute than kick.same if they insult anybody else.

if this is not right for u,than good luck with an empty server.
yea idd, no unfo = no visitors
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