
After updating my CS:GO (1.9GB update), it actually feels "playable" compared to 1.6.

Now I'm searching for some people to play a few 5vs5 with now/tonight/tomorow/next week.

If you have CS:GO and updated it (took an eternity due to traffic issues with the Steam servers), hit me up here with your steamname!

we can play!:)

gonna give out beta keys also soon
give one pls
u have to buy it? Or there is something like that 1.6 non steam?

btw. i watched some gameplays and it looks same as CS 1.6 wtf ? Is there something new,or "just" new graphic?

If just new graphic,some1 could do the same for ET :D ET with 2012 graphics (+ some new maps) would be awesome :DD
its not the same as cs 1.6, new guns new maps new gfx, from 2mins of playing, and it kinda feels more like et then cs after 2mins of playing rly nice
i only have beta
#csgo.et, join and lets play mixes
Don't have access to beta, but can't wait for release.
pre order now, play the beta till the release.
I did, but it doesn't give you access to the beta. I've heard rumors that beta opens to those that pre-ordered the 14th though.
You will get beta access at the 13th (or 14th, cant really remember).

I thought you get it directly when preordering, my fault.
you won't get access to closed beta if you pre order it.
Iirc, you will.
haxasd999 gogogo
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