Kayla Marie Wright



Such a beautiful young girl,death cause of bullying.

And you wonder why i hate flamers and trollers...they should be the one to dissapear from the face of the earth.

I don t believe in that kind of explanation that some good ppl here are telling me:"He is nice person in real life,i had a drink with him and talked shit,he is not like on the internet".Well i just don t buy it.
johndoe, thought you was coming to lan with 40 people with weapons?! Seanza told me "you better get tooled up blud" So I did. I got dressed into some jogging bottoms so I could move a bit more freely smashing heads in with my fists.
....... she didn't die because of bullying, she died because she killed herself.
can't help thinking how lame she was, 16 yr old "just wanted pain to go away" because somebody called her names, + she has parent(s) and a sister + she destroyed her moms car :FDFf
not sure if troll or just really fucking stupid
she was really just fucking stupid, some say the case of her is a troll though, who knows

people like her exist anyway so my point remains
taking video games sseriously is fucking stupid, but hey
who are you talking about?
Made me giggle :P
Will you please learn how to put a space after you've used punctuation, my god...
Bothers me so fucking much as well lol
She needs to learn that you don't respawn if you /kill in real life.
so fucked up but lmfaooo
this is fake, you know ?
I hope , someone will make a RIP in peace video,when I commit suicide ,after all the bullying you done to me :(
rip in advance :(
a rest in peace in peace video
fuck - yes, bully - no.
the fuck is this shit
Get the fuck off, committing suicide is just choosing the easy way out. Pussies.
Hey dude, if you want to change the world, begin from yourself
Its good that you are the person to talk about this, oh wait.
you hate flamers?

you're the one who flames all the time
i believe u are the one who picked a fight in the first place with me.i flame sometimes,yes is true,but only when i m flamed and only teens like u.i never started a fight. but u look like the type of a young man who would bully a girl .i have seen u at lan,u looked shy and almost a shadow.here on the other hand u wanna be tough.u can t.
I never start flaming people, unless they start it themselves

and I clearly remember you replying to me with some sort of flame/racist comment ages ago.

So stop making shit up and acting like you know me
Shut up nigger paki lol :DDDDDDDhahah :D:da: mad? :PDDD
At least he's white
Oh wait :D
Oooooooh :_D
just like u are doing now,replying without any sense to a totally different subject on a journal made by me,just like now ,u did it in the past many many times.thanks for prooving one more time

p.s. replying with u with racist comments,but AFTER,u calls me a fuckin gypsi?and at least if u would have said the truth,if u would have been right bout that.like for example if i m black,and u wanna be racist u call me a nigger.but i m not a gypsi.my parents are one german and one romanian.there is no gypsi blood in my veins.but u on the other hand my friend,u are originnaly from pakistan.and this is not flame or racism.but u are what u call me,check the history books.
You should be the last person to talk about such subjects on bullying girls...
and why is that?because one girl/woman what ever she is that is your mate in a video game for couple of years is trying to make fun of me together with u and the other mates,when i absolutetly did anything but mocking anybody in your team?as much as i remember i even applied and was accepted to play,when u accept some1 in a clan,u start mocking him like hell?for what?i did not joined your little "family" to be your pet.so don t expect me cause to show her respect,that woman might be nice for u,but for me she is a *****.

in this world there are girls and there are *****.the girl from this journal i never met her or talk to her in real life nor on internet so i can t say that she is a ****.but your gf,i did so...**** off.
hit the spacebar

its the biggest button in your keyboard hit it
u hit the road maza.and never come back
just saying, it's a lable on your forehead saying "retard"
just saying,it s label on your head saying "shoot me here"
can't help thinking it might suit you no matter what i hoped :/
u have the right to remain stupid boy
I dont know if this is a true story, but I know there are many stories like this that actually is true..

I have 2 friends who has commited suicide, so I know one thing for sure.. its not something to joke about.

bullying is impossible to imagine for those who hasnt experienced it themself.. it can really take away every dream and hope you have for your life.. Not everyone is strong enough to go true a period of bullying,and come out even stronger.. there are those who just cant live with it, as I have experienced myself with one of my mates..

Unfortunately, people tend to say what they want at any certain time without thinking twice about it, specially on internet communities like this one.. its a shame..
try to explain this to the teenagers who replied in this journal.
not the easiest thing to do:/

I remember getting 2 ribs broken by a guy who fucked up a few of my years when i was around 12-14 years old, and also mooving out from my city because of him.. wasnt very pleasent to always go to school in fear of whats coming.

Today, that guy is dead. (narcotic overdose), and im 30, living life with a great wife, a kid, running a company and enjoying whatever life gives me.

But.. I hate to see when others go true the same.. If someone starts picking on my kid, its hard to imagine what ill do.
damn.u can t possibly know how grateful i am for sharing this with me.did u tried to keep a journal or smt?
nah.. i never wrote any personal journal.

What i went true was a drop in the ocean compared to what others are going true every day over the entire world. I never felt any pity for my self, but it made me very much aware of situations where others are getting bullyed etc.

This little fellah makes me proud: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_BdAk7H6Lk&feature=related
a yes,i saw this video.amazing ,representing on a low scale the power of fighting back of the terrorized against terror.makes u think about entire countries being terrorized by one guy who has around him a small group of individuals.
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