Gaming PC plx

yeah, since from october on i will earn some "serious" money i am in the position to finally get some stuff to play more games than just ET - still i dont wanna spend too much on it anyways!

but since i dont know shit about hardware, i need some advices for gaming hardware...
actually i want to buy a whole new setup...
pricerange for the complete systems shouldnt be higher than 800€...
i really would love to play dayZ on high settings - dunno if thats possible for that price :o

crossfire, i need your help =)

Just go on a website like Scan and add all the parts to fit your budget..
der martin! still pro'ing @ starcraft 2?
more like still noob'ing around :D ... but yeah still playing SC2... and some CS:GO recently, colleague from work made me play :D
pm lango er hat mir auch geholfen ;)
for 800e u can build a killer pc
get around 6gb of ram, shouldnt cost u more then 50euros
a dual core cpu will do the job for almost anything... but id say go for intel i5 or any other "i" stuff :P spend more then 100euros for a cpu
hard drive doesnt rly matter i got mine for 20 or 30euros 160gb
nvidia 550gtx or smthn :P shouldnt cost more then 120-150euros
and a motherboard for 60-80euros, any motherboard will do :P as long as its compatable with the shit u wanna buy :P
Dual core cpu? 90's called, they want their cpu back
tell em to fuckoff im not giving them my cpu :/
SilentiumPC Brutus 310 34-40 Euro
Gigabyte GTX 670 389,90 EUR *
ASRock B75 Pro3-M 84,89-100 euro max
G.Skill Ripjaws 8gb 48,90 EUR *
Corsair GS600 79,90 EUR *
i5 3450 182,90 EUR *

+ add some stuff like soundcard,headset,mouse
Forget About HDD
Corsair GS600 its PSU
oh ok, my bad sry !
intel i5 and some decent vidcard...
other stuff can be cheap cuz intel i5 will do anything u need :)
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