gMen 2o2 Speedcup #2

image: 1zpscy1

This event will take place today. Everyone is invited to come and play during this cup. There is not maximum on the amount of teams. If there are 16 teams playing we will all be on one server. In case of more sign-ups, it will be played like a normal One Day Cup where you will arrange your own server and /q the scores to timbolina on IRC in #gMen

image: syurlt

Today, August 16th, 16:00CET

image: syurlt

There are no requirements. All you need is a TZAC account that you will use to connect to the server. Furthermore you need a partner who you can trust in doing the objectives. You and your partner will need to find out the best way in doing a map so you will set a fast time. Once again, this is an introduction to the ET scene, so there are no examples yet!

image: syurlt

The maplist for the Enemy Territory gMen SpeedCup is:
[list][*] battery

We have chosen for maps where you will not need to escort a tank or truck, because this has nothing to do with speed (in some ways it does, but not the capabilities of you :P). If there are any other suggestions, please feel free to!

image: syurlt

Miscellanious information
Signups till 15:59 CET (GMT +1)
Check-in start from 15:45 till 15:59 CET (GMT +1)
Brackets & Start: 16:00 CET

Round 1: radar
Round 2: sp_delivery_te
Round 3: karsiah_te2
Round 4: both players pick a map!
Round 5: both players pick a map!

image: syurlt

Teams signed-up:

* WuT ([email protected]) has joined #gmen
<WuT> ha
<WuT> low bobs
* WuT ([email protected]) has left #gmen

image: syurlt

Best times advance to the next round!

Sign-up link:
CF cup page:

Quote by Contactimage: etTZAC ID: 00007023
image: OutlookIcon[email protected]
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTXpFdd2QD-liYx2qEqtCjHId2uVrp9ZyiSKZqIoHIALM371VTPCqQTHcctimbolina
image: barlogotimbolina TIMBOLINA
avi /q lago
only fast and brained people please
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