Ur chance to make a difference

Hey! Some may, some may not know, that ive been taking care of BiO while Kevlars in Manila.
I've noticed one thing that in my opinion has to be changed in the map pool. Radar. People are constantly leaving the server when radar comes, and it's not good for the server in any way. So I'm asking your opinion for the new map. Just leave a comment with the maps name and preferably a reason why it would be good in the server.

The current SW cycle is: sw_goldrush_te -> adlernest -> missile_b3 -> sp_delivery_te - >sw_goldrush_te -> supply -> radar

Thank you!
i would go for bremen imo
Actually it's that: sw_goldrush_te - adlernest - missile_b3 - sw_goldrush_te - sp_delivery_te - supply - radar
Thanks, edited!
I need private pw
I love radar!
a solid competitive map like braundorf
radar one of the best maps there
Don't remove radar.
fuck this radar best map >_>
Radar is a great map indeed, one of my favorites too. But unfortunaly too many players seem to dislike it and leave during it, mainly after 1st round
don t give a fuck bout them,problem solved.

p.s. what is the ref pw?
is it true that in manila there are canibals?
Quotep.s. what is the ref pw?

remove delivery instead of radar
+1 !:D
fucking worst map, radar > all
maybe frostbite
bremen perhaps?
Karsiah! :)
bremen + erdenberg
cf says 51 comments, come here => 17
problem kreuzfeuer?
I see players leaving when grush is played (excessive spawrape).Imo Radar is a balanced map for both teams.Remove special polak delivery instead.Would love to see an old map like Rail gun or something not overplayed like Byzantine.There are more maps than only supply,adler aso
look here ... http://www.enemyterritory-stuff.net/
Putting in maps that aint played competatively isnt a good idea for an ETpro pub tbh :x
The competition is to do it :D.After playing 100's of times the same maps Im sure everyone knows the object,allthough no one plays object.You can train killing on almost every map.
radar is good :|
replace with bremen, and swap missile out for frostbite. Why is this shit map missile even on pubs?
I like to play missile in wars :{
I will have a look at missile too, havent seen it played in rather long time tbh.
Goldrush is twice in the rotation, might explain why people leave.
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