Mikkeli !! To the fins

Hello Finland's,

I am planing to visit Mikkeli quite soon and I would like to know, if it's a nice place or not :P

I might stay there for 3 weeks, so just tell me the good and the bad things please! :) Would be even better if someone lives there, cause I heard that they only have 50k people living there.

mikkeli kikkeli xDDd xDDD
For what I know, there isn't that much to do. I guess every city has nice pubs, just keep a low profile, local drunks don't usually like foreign people.

For finding finns nearby, https://maps.google.fi/maps/ms?msid=202531078865126224270.0004c36e75a6e2bae7626&msa=0

EDIT: What are you doing there anyway? If you have an option, go to some other city x)
Well I might do a work placement in a computer business over my school, and after that time I would like to spend some time :D But, thanks so far :)
swanidius live in mikkeli so pm him
he is like scary voice man man
Come visit lappeenranta instead.
nothing to see in finland except perhaps some mountains and lakes,and the capital

better this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlYAvtxW5jM
yeah, we have amazing mountains over here at Finland
yes as twidi said, awesome mountains

image: Tunturi_iso
Isn't that the mount unforgivenest?!
yea but many beers there will eat you
Nothing to see in finland... except if your going to visit Jacker =)
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