Flush DNS

Cuz I'm lazy sometimes & I forget always how to FLUSH my DNS I created a BAT file of it.
Quote@echo off

SET /P ANSWER=Do you want to continue (Y/N)?
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
goto :no
cmd /k ipconfig /flushdns
echo You pressed yes!
/b 0

echo You pressed no!
exit /b 1

Download link: http://www.nurdrage.nl/ba/Tools/flushDNS.bat

image: Snooki
or just

@echo off
ipconfig /flushdns

or dont be a retard and remember the command
No I want with Yes or No! :<
cant see why and even if it was necessary your script is still bloated. you are terrible scripter and pathetic human being. why would someone post shit like this to a gaming forum or any forum at all.
Gaming forum? OHH PLEASE Gaming haha XD
MS retard? OHH PLEASE MS haha XD
hahaha you just gave me a boner HAHAHAHA XDDDDDDD
that is not a way to speak with a legend
As Ensam said, pretty useless. Even if you wanna create a script like that, if you double click the .cmd/bat file it's because you want to, not accidentally, so why ask Yes/No.. pure waste of time.
But even if you double click it by accident, it's not a big deal actually.... it's a good thing to flush dns sometimes...
windork noob XD
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