Favorite Disney Song?

What's your favorite Disney song? After some reddit browsing I stumbled upon a song from the Disney Tarzan movie and it had me looking up Disney songs in no time :) Started listening to those from The Lion King, for some weird reason, I hadn't heard them in a long time ( weird, I know right ;o ), then some Tarzan, Spirit, Brother Bear, Marry Poppins and so on! So far my favorites are:

<3 The Lion King. So, how about your favorites?
Selena Gomez ones of course !
I'm kinda hating on Disney songs since few of my high school friends used to sing all of them (especially Hercules, Mulan and Pocahontas) after few beers, or whatever they were drinking. KANKER WOMEN WOULDN'T SHUT UP
intro of oliver & co yo
all from the lion king dutch and english + you'll be in my heart from tarzan
I somehow don't like watching vids like this (from 80s/90s classics) since they remind me my childhood is over :(
fucking weaboo
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