

i just started using sopcast and i'm really amazed at the quality of the streams. up until now i've been watching streams in my browser.

I have a question though: does anybody have channels that broadcast the EPL in ENGLISHHHHHHHHH!!!! meaning i'd like some english commentary? when watching on internet it's most commonly skysports or aljazeera sports or whatever. i just can not watch the games if they aren't commentated in english (= the best!)

can i find these channels in sopcast or do i ultimately need to watch them in my browser? the channels i've encountered were random russian shizzle or some dutch guy who sound extremely boring..

I've thought of another alternative which is to watch a descent quality broadcast on sopcast and get the live commentary somewhere else. something like ETTV if you like: you watch the war and listen to the commentary seperately. does anybody know if this is possible?


ps: the new crossfire looks weird
thanks man , really appreciate that. gonna test it out for the newcastle - tottenham game ;)
omg at the quality. i absolutely love you sir.
thanks again man
which stream did you go for - all shit for me :/
sorry man , i was so under the spell of the HD quality that i forgot all about crossfire :D
i took the first one (ESPN HD) and it worked flawlessly for 88minutes. at the end it started to show a bit of cracks with the sound and image a bit laggy but the game was won by NC so i didn't care ;)
hope u got better luck next time !
No worries. Seems AVB probably wont get the time at Spurs either...
i just checked that out, doesn't that only broadcast 1 game? it's offline atm btw

usually shows the game i want to see + CL games
Not just sopcast but much more links and games,almost from all over the world O.O
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