New graphics card

Hi guys

Yesterday my win7 computer started making some weird noises so I checked it and I found out that my graphics card was broken(geforce gt 230s or something like that, an pretty old card that later got renamed or something) . When I took it out, it was damn hot and I couldn't fix it. Luckily I have an old computer with an okay graphics card that I'm using now(Nvidia geforce 8500 gt).

But I really want to find a decent graphics card. I usually play games like LoL, DayZ, cod4, et and soon gw2. It doesn't have to be a beast card but it should be quite decent and run my games smoothly. The price doesn't really matter.

Any suggestions?
GTX 660Ti.

I rather wait for 700 series, but that is good enough ..
GTX 660Ti? I would buy Radeon HD7950 if its same money.
660ti is cheaper than the 7950 and performs a bit better in some cases. 7950 should overclock really well though so its up to you.
wait for 700 series to get a 660ti or what? They just released those new keppler gpu's..
I would wait for remake of 660Ti on 700 series as it would be 770Ti ;)
Oh, :X

Scumbag brain :d
bake your old gfx card in the oven
Might even do that, I hate it so much
no actually, its a serious suggestion :p it can fix it sometimes
oh wow. Didn't know that. But sounds pretty cool :P
Video cards that are used a lot heat up => cool down => heat up => cool down, fucking up the soldering. Baking it at 200 degrees for ten minutes will fix the cracks caused by the heating / cooling. I posted a pic below. Google some extra info, I dont recall the recommended temp and time.
oh yeah I just checked it. I might even try it! Thanks for the info :-)
I know about hard disk drive in freezer but this :p
HD 7870 is enough.
Gainward GeForce GTX 560Ti "Phantom" 2048MB GDDR5 PCI-E
Own this one and in my case it get ~4600pts in 3dmark2011 on stock clocks. Good card.
It really depends on what cpu you have. Even cpu's like core 2 quad can bottleneck card posted higher. So basically for new gpu card you need good cpu also.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz 2.80GHz

I don't have any clue about computers but I think that it's okay, right? What kind of card would be good for that?
all current cards will perform well with this cpu.
oh that sounds great. Thanks!
I am in the same situation, but want to buy a top level graphics card without going over the 400 euro boundary. Any suggestions?
the 660ti (from evga) will set you back around 300€. that isnt a top level gfx card but those cost multiple thousands anyway. however thats one of the very best gamer cards you can find out there (and its rather new even).
dont buy ATI. never had probs with nvidia, ATI has probs in certain games, the energy saving modus causes errors in dual screen modes. I would never buy ATI again.
save yourself the trouble and dont buy ATI.
you should also make sure that other components of your PC dont bottleneck the new card (as you have said that its ratehr old).
also none of the games you have mentionned need anything but a 200 series to run prefectly smooth, but i guess you dont wonna spend money on already outdated hardware.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz 2.80GHz

What kind of card would be good for that? It doesn't need to be a great card, but some kind of card that can run my games smoothly and without any problems. I play on my old card and get small fps lags while playing LoL :<
most importantly: uninstall LoL. get dota2. that will help quite a lot.
have you tried baking your video card?
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