
Yoo, so i got this annoying lag/fpsdrop pingboost whatever.
It's when i've been running for a while, the ping goes higher and higher up too 999 and i have to let go of the keyboard, and it goes back too normal, pretty hard to explain. And when a dynamite explodes or tank blows door at goldrush my fps just drops like fuck, same when in 1on1s or when im looking at a teammate.

I got radeon HD 5900series, 8gb ram and Intel i5 at 3,3ghz so it shouldnt be a problem, if you have any solution for this i would be gratefull!
Sorry for bad english.
I know the solution to your problem.
I think koop does too
The weather is delightful outside, you know.
Raining 2days in a row now, you know.
I think the problem is you've been running for a while, the ping goes higher and higher up too 999 and you have to let go of the keyboard, and it goes back too normal, pretty hard to explain. And when a dynamite explodes or tank blows door at goldrush your fps just drops like fuck, same when in 1on1s or when you're looking at a teammate.
cl_nodelta 0

if it doesnt fix it do this

cd ur:\et\directory\etmain\profiles\urname
del etconfig.cfg
cd ur:\et\directory\etpro\profiles\urname
del etconfig.cfg

make sure if u have any autoexec rename it to iloveseareal.cfg

connect to a server with the default config

then we can troubleshoot the problem later if nodelta doesnt fix it in some cases it might be a routing problem and u might wanna try a diff server.

ping and fps drops are probably not related since theyr two diff problems, but u got em both, like having aids on a wheelchair gl
Thanks will try that
That's because du är en bög.
format c
reinstalling paint should fix it
QuoteI got radeon HD 5900series, 8gb ram and Intel i5 at 3,3ghz so it should be a problem

so fix it. why writing a journal???
haha, nicely spotted :D
How did this begin to appear? Did it just began or did you do anything before that could've affected this ?
Have your computer been running too long?
Try to change the config.

I know the problem with the tank on goldrush. When the tank broke the wall while rotating in the bottom of the hill and when it took its final position my fps dropped to around 40fps and my sound started to stutter.

I don't really remember how I fixed this, maybe it was that I bought a new computer or something :/

it just started for some reason, cant really remember if i did something, even if i turn my computer off over the night or something its still like this.
Did that, fps didnt drop as much but still drops
Uhh, try to disable ati hotkey poller. Also you could disable anti-aliasing and trying settings on all-low in CCC.
Try to set com_hunkmegs 256
Virus scan & defrag

Did you update your graphic card drivers when this started to happen?
Okey will try that!
Nope havent update the card since i got it cause i heard it will only be worse in ET
update your grafic card and all will be fine :o
try this cup of care... oh wait... \_/
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