LoL final IEM 7


ok bye

almost gave a fuck
how do u give a fuck? is it an object?
8k viewers on Lol
31k on SC2
186k viewers*

well on that stream you posted only 8k!
oh ye nvm, was watching something else xD
187k viewers on the english stream :D

several thousands on the other language streams, gg xD
187k nerds watching how other nerds play
Easy for RUSSIA anyways.
anyone can explain what is interesting about LoL streams? have never played the game nor watched a stream for more than 10s.

do you see amazing shit happening or what's so great about it?
What is so interesting about watching an ET game?

The players playing at these tournaments are the best out of millions and millions and players, perhaps you don't care or don't understand what is going on because you don't play the game but the mechanical skill these guys bring out, new tactics, awesome teamplay or solo actions, are just amazing to watch for those who are interested in it.
the thing about FPS games is that even before I started ET I could watch a video about them and really enjoy it, game trailers etc.. every FPS stream I watched, even if I didn't 'know' the game at the time, I enjoyed and pretty much understood what they had to do. CS/CoD/ET/TF2/QL etc. maybe if I'd played a game like LoL and such I would have some understanding of these streams. :z
Wish ET had that much viewers..
read ensams journal
Can you link me?
cba to search :p
SK so bad man M5 best team in the world.
naw M5 will take it
you have too much time on your hands
missing ql so much on iem
casual game
I never heard of moba before LoL! :)))
I also stream dayZ and Slender. Pls like me on facebook and follow me on twitter.
I hope DotA2 will be as popular as LoL when its comming finally out. :-)
Best joke of 2012
Well its far better than LoL. But harder too play.. LoL got tooo many noobs like you probably
12mil players ofc there are many noobs like me....
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