My graphic card stopped worked, got lines all over screen and it was flicking and whole screen turned black and then picture again etc etc.

So i read about broken graphic cards, and found that if u bake your card in oven at 200 degrees it maybe will start work again.

So i removed all fans and plastic on the graphic card, and put it in the oven for 10 mins on 200 degrees.
I put it again in my computer and everything works perfect :D

So if u have a broken gpu, that got lines and weird colors all over the screen, try this :D

wait what o_0
It actually works sometimes, if there are just small faults at weldings. Or what they are, anyway.
normally u make pictures of everything, you didnt for this.

i call the police for this fake report and trying to make seareal fry his vid card
haha man that's such a funny comment :D

fucking brain cripple
it needed a picture of myself with some cool tekst to be funny now it isnt but thanks anyway to lift my spirit up
indeed, a picture of yourself would have been a better laugh
yes but i dont wanna copy cat you, i keep it werner originalos
well i can only do it cos i look cool as fuck, if u did that.. everybody would just laugh and pity :(
You look hairy/ugly as fuck, there is a difference. But sorry to burst your bubble your the only one that thinks you look cool as fuck. I am genuinely sorry for you.
Man, Kamz cool as fuck!
i know i am just very jealous:(
jep thats true
I approve this journal!
Yeah, it's causes the lead solders to naturally re-mould.

Works with xbox's etc, not a secret.

Did you eatiN it once u tooked it out?
This -> Tutorials
sounds legit
Tried the same with my dog, but didn't work.
I used an reflow oven but still it didnt work :-(
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