Autoswitch problem

Hi, i have got a problem, i tried some guy's cfg and since then when i launch a game its in a small window and surrounding is black. Also when i connect to a server, i have his nikcname before im connected. How to change these two things? I wanna have my own cfg loaded... Deleting etconfigs from my et folder didnt help. :(

And a second, worse problem is that now when i walk over a weapon, it autochanges it to that so for example i wanna revive and it changes my weapon to smg when i walk over it. I want the weapon to switch when im out of ammo but i dont want it to change when i walk over it. And i want it to change when i take the weapon by activate (like when i have mp40 and i pick up a thompson)

Tank you very much in advance

PS: Last two days i havent played a match where i wouldnt be called a cheater so for the flamers and noobs, i uploaded some demos from 3 different maps where people called me a cheater so u can study if im clean -.-

[18:25] <Vyjiii-> I know ur whacking ^^
[18:25] <Vyjiii-> i know it.
cg_autoactivate 0
i just tried that... it does not even pick up the weapon :( thx for trying to help me tho
-> nvidia control panel settings -> redimensionate on monitor instead of gpu.
-> seta cg_autoswitch 0
thx, u helped me with everything on ts :)
b_dinghy fixes 2nd problem
update ur bot?
Yes, cuz we totally are going to watch your demo's
QuotePS: Last two days i havent played a match where i havent voted braundorf_b4, lost hard on it, then callvoted swapteams right after my opponent voted supply so that I could play axis first, then still lost hard on supply too

sounds familiar rofl
u gotta be obsessed with me, following me anywhere i go... how old ru? u rly need to get some mental care

PS: in that match i had almost more kills and dmg than your team and u kept spamming chat for a whole game
you got owned lol
ur the same... u have spent like 5 years calling me a hacker
still roll you even when you cheat :l
but he doesnt :P
lol, maybe i can find some demos where i rly REALLY suck and still own u so hard that u dont even hit me at 1v1 and egoleave
now you're just making stuff up cos you know you've never beat me :]
I'm sure everyone demanded those demos so hard that you finally, but treating it as a pain in the ass, uploaded and posted it here, expressing your honest discontent about this at the same time.
brb watching all the demos with gf
there's no solution for your listed problems, you should quit ET, since you are shit at it anyways
Go back to bending spoons.... bender.
rolled you on braundorf, didn't call you cheater cause you suck, upload that demo.
i was wondering the same :D
black border : on the graphic card pannel (see the tutorial here)
connecting name : search on your config "name", there is twoo cvar for it (one for the connecting name and one when you are connected)
auto switch : search at a cfg "auto" and you'll get it.

hf playing for easy frag, easy acc and easy hs.

i don't get why there is so many ppl like you not playing for obj :<

rambo braindead could go to public jaymod and enjoy it also....
b_autoswitch or sumthing? think it was something in ETpro
autoswitch is on empty ammo
OK, nvm... correction, the problem with switching is not solved, it got fucked up again :(
you can reply with a thanks, that doesnt give me the mood to help u again :D
you suck hard!!
ty jsi ale chudák člověk... pár let nazpátek jsem ti na teamspeaku vysvětloval, jak střílet, jak se chovat v boji, jak se pohybovat... a pak se chováš takhle :)

total lůza :)
no hroznej chudák..vim, že jsem s tebou párkrát hrál, ale nevim nic o tom, že bys mě něco učil :)) maximálně tak leanovat na braundorfu ":D"

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