SNES games.

Hello there.

I currently have shitty internet so I cant really play any online games.

So i've been wasting my time playing snes games.

Now I'm kinda out of games so i need people to suggest me something good.

Games i have finished/played.
-Chrono Trigger
-Super Mario RPG
-Multiple Marios
-Tetris Attack
-Megaman X
-Few Donkey Kongs
-Theres some i dont remember/cba looking up the names right now.

I can also download newer PC games but nothing too big since dload speed sucks balls. So i prefer if the game is MAX 1gb

If anyone knows a gamename for this NES game wich has something to with dinosaurs, Please tell me. thats all I remember about it :-D
dang, why not buy new computer?:P

or download Trackmania, entertained me for a while also.
Im not sure why would I buy new computer when my connection is the only thing thats too shit.

Im getting a proper connection in couple weeks when I move(again)
Trackmania <3
btw if the game with dinosaurs is what i think your talking about the only one i can remember from it was turok & turok 2 them are the only 2 i can think of that have to do with dinosaurs which btw are hella sweet games :D and zelda is pretty nice big zelda fan my self
SNES games and you forgot Yoshi's Island? pffff best game ever :X
duckhunt :D
secret of mana
Time Slip
Super Metroid
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Joe and Mac
Joe and Mac 2 - Lost in the Tropics
Illusion of Time
Battletoads & Double Dragon
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy V
Thanks for the list, gonna try em out :)
Secret of Mana I+II

they are awesome!
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Castlevania: Dracula X
Killer Instinct
Earthworm Jim 1/2
The Lost Vikings 1/2

Those are absolute musts from the top of my head.
Download Super Meatboy
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