Breaking Bad s05

So I've just watched the newest Breaking Bad episode, but I'll probably hang myself If I have to see the characther: Skyler.

I mean seriously

Loves the guy, crying about money, finds out what does Walter do -> goes crazy wants to devorce, having affair , Walt gets money and guys a carwash to lunder money all the sudden Skyler loves him again, Walt kills the guy who wanted to kill his whole family -> Skyler "I am afraid of you, I can't let the children around you because you are dangerous"

Now that Walter was forced to give answer to the question what happened between he and Skyler to the relatives, he actaully says something what is true, Skyler fucked with his boss. Then Skyler goes mad about that too.

Is there anybody else besides me who can't stand that retarded annoying bitch? :D I have never hated any charatcher in any show like this before.

Go to Breaking Bad facebook page, find the picture of skyler drowning in the water and you will find your answer.
That's what makes a great actor/actress.
That doesn't make her a good actress. If her role was replaced with someone who doesn't look like a typical whining/annoying american house wife, she wouldn't be so stupidly annoying.

Same goes for Joffrey from Games of Thrones.
The guy who plays Joffrey is actually a really talented actor.
He doesn't have a actor face.
True words! Impressive performance indeed.
Yep idd, I think they should make her die in a car crash or something.
and the most annoying i just read is there is only 2 more episodes before huge break :(
dat dinner though, fucking hilarious
Didn't have a whole lot to do last week, decided to check this hyped 'Breaking Bad' out.
I kept waiting untill things actually would get started, not being very entertained (but it was better than staring at a black screen). I did NOT understand what the hype was all about. But now Season 5 - BOOM finally. This is what I wanted to see, Mr.White actually dropping all moral reserves and becomming a bad guy and Jesse being the better of the two.

But that doesn't answer your question!
Skylar is a necessary evil to the series and should imo remain part of it. I do however believe some of her parts could be written in a way it's more acceptable to the audiance.
Well said mate.
It's already nice in s04 :<
yep. I really fucking hope she dies soon. fucking hell what a whore. her head is HUGE and shes fucking ugly
Best comment ever, I knew this day would come!

image: I+knew+this+day+would+come+_7fe67287fdc767ca943ed3f2c4d7ab43
walter is actually turning into a heartless thug with nothing to loose
i like how the characters have developed in this serie, that alone makes it really high quality imo
I dont really like him anymore, he was a nice person before
her behaviour is quite realistic to me..and also Walt acted rly sillily couple of times..but it indeed is annoying
I think she has a right to be angry about the Ted thing, Walt could have given another reason to Marie for their problems. No matter how annoying and ugly she is (how did he get together with her in the first place? :s), he should've taken the blame. Anyway Walt's awesome and Skyler can die for all I care.
I honestly think it's more a case of bad writing than anything else. Like the show, but I feel like they are stuck as far as his family situation goes. They need to change that drastically soon or people will lose interest.
Let's all pray together that a meteor hits her by the end of the season ugly skank..
Bumping this shit cause I just saw the opening of episode 7:

BOOM! This is why I've kept watching! Heisenberg, hell yeah!
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