Picmip problem

Ok, i have had this problem for years... when i load a map, r_picmip 1 autoloads up... but in console it says latched 3... i vid_restart and nothing happens, i have to vid_restart for a second time to put picmip on 3... often i forget and cant see the enemy, can u help me pls?
yes, use the config i wrote for you

or search for this command in ur config
remove it, the remove ur etmain/etpro profile.cfg
open et.exe exec ur config in etmain, hit mod/etpro exec it there

connect to a server with tzac, change a map, celebrate

image: a.aaa-Meditation-Dog-
just remove the r_lastvalidrender and ur good to go , no need to do all that other shit or atleast i didn't
it might stay in ur etconfig.cfg
i got the same problem
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