kaTze falsely banned

kaTze falsely banned
by kaTzeeeee • just now • News
Jo guys and girls.

A few days ago my TZAC account ( http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=686 ) got banned for following reason: Cheat/ET Wallhack.

When i arrived back at home from a little trip to the Netherlands and wanted to log in TZAC and play some ET in the next morning i had to notice that my TZAC account is banned. I contacted CB and ESL admins and also chapjla BECAUSE I NEVER TOUCHED CHEATS. I also opened a Ticket and ESL and one at CB because they also banned me there.

No one of them could help me since my IP matched with the one used when my account got banned. And the only one who is probably able to help me is chapjla and he does not response on my emails.

I have no cheating history before this. Clean since ages and now this shit.

I personally think my ip got spoofed and my TZAC account got hacked but a mate of me said it could also be a virus or something which was taken by TZAC as a cheat but i doubt this because I was at holiday and no one had acces to my computer.

I highly doubt there is no way to proof I did not cheat. I don't have knowledge about those things but my mate also said it could be proven by your mac guide/ etpro guide and stuff. I mean there must be anything which proofs I did not cheat or that my account got banned.

I really appreciate any help you could effort,

regards kaTze.
what are the odds

made me smile tbh

now gtfo
junge du siehst hungrig aus geh dir mal ne bifi holen
du siehst gelangweilt aus, spiel mal en 1o1 offi :D
bis n bisschen zu frech für so n kleinen nerd
nerd? :o

ich spiel 2x die woche et max und hab nen job, sry, du hast falsche infos
must be your cat
Maybe your brother went on your pc?
He was also on holiday and and anyways its not like he would lie to me

it wasnt yout, it was Netherlands]Perfo's bro wasnt it?
I think BelgiumKeith broke into your house and cheated
cb / esl admins are useles, esl told me (When i got banned) it was a hardware match and not ip, cb said it was an ip match and no hardware match

they dont know jack shit about anything... just request a ticket to speak with some one who has some computer knowladge, refuse to speak to 15yr old kids. their software doesnt work... wich is obvius, contacting chaplja should be hard, try again with league admins, then go to chaplja, since hes a busy man
i dunno shit about cb/esl admins, eventho i had some other problems with atleast one of them.

about khaplja, yes its weird, he never answer, he never help us when we got a question, neither cb/esl admins (those website use this anticheat) could answer to some little question.

khaplja as told that there will be a linux version of tzac, still i cannot found it.

this guy seem untrustable atm like his anticheat (still i can see busted guys playing on this anticheat with a new account and not banned...)
Just don't play vs. guys with >15k guid thats it.
well there is almost always a +15k tzac id player in random 3o3
it is designed for official games, you can either manually check the players on the server or do what m1ke said, results may vary
ha bon qui ? dit moi
je t'avais envoyer un pm à son sujet il y a un moment.
je pensais que ut parlais de khapjla sinon tu sais comment ça va tu me pm en cas de prob et je règle toujours
je t'ai envoyer un pm l'autre jour (je sais déja plus quand) pour t'expliquer vite fait le truc.

oui, j'ai dit deux trois trucs sur khaplja que je penses sincerement (je ne suis d'ailleur pas sur quand à l'utilité de tzac à l'heure actuelle, même si des "têtes" sont tombé, ça n'est qu'une minorité, et de revoir toujours autant de cheater pas banis ou qui on l'occasion de rejouer après un fresh bust ça fait chier)

ceci dit, je dois bien avouer que d'après mon expérience (qui n'est pas très grosse, je te l'accorde) tu es un des rares admin avec ohcool (ou smth) à être dispo pour répondre au questions et compagnie sans se prendre pour Dieu ou autre.

C'est une grande qualité que j'apprécie cher toi et ce mec (que je ne connais pas en dehors de deux trois pm avec réponse claire et rapide) c'est votre disponibilité pour au final un jeux "à moitier mort" et qui à mon avis ne doit pas vous rapporter grand chose (si ce n'est de l'expérience)
rapporter moi en tout cas je n'ai jamais eu 1 kopek pour le boulot mais d'autre oui tkt ^^
Ye I will try it like this. thx man only proper post in this journal
but my case was diff, there was some random account banned on tzac my tzac was clean and i got banned from esl & cb :D Gl
ohh okay^^ tbh i think theyre done with me but i dont have anything to lose so. thx :D
@french frogs reading this :
Anyone got that thread where a beltard pretends to be his gf and says (s)he cheated when he was away? :XDDDDD

"his gf cheated for making him stop ET"

thats what im talkin about wigga
one week before his bust : "hey guys, i'm looking for a cheat do you know wher can i find one??? i don't care if i got bust because ive bought a new pc"
oh touch my tralalala

IP spoofed :{D
oh, you touch my tralala *
my ding ding dong*
hmmm my ding ding dong*
hahaha, cheaterrrrrrr
ich glaub dir !
das wird schon wieder und komm mal ts jungeeeee!
ich wurde außem ts gebannt. ich häng momentan immer im deutschA ts ab
aso lol wer hat den ban gesetzt , dann frag ich wieso und er soll dann wieder raus machen
shit player, must be clean.
a virus, lol
i am srry for not being a pc geek without knowledge of those nerdy things
would you be so kind to tell me whats "nerdy" about having computer knowledge?
well it's not nerdy in general, but expecting everyone to know about those things and making fun about people because they don't know much about cheats/anticheats and stuff shows that he doesn't have 'normal' influence since the 'average' person who doesn't spend 24 h 7 days a week isn't that informed about such things as well. Don't know if you get my point but I can put more effort in my post if needed.
in this case its logical that a virus wont get in touch with tzac eventho tzac could hv been a virus itself
its not that logical if your not into that kind of things (which iam neither tbh). And if hes saying he never touched any cheat, ofc he is searching for a reason. Why wouldnt he think then it could may be caused by a virus. Since, as you just mentioned yourself, tzac itself was detected as a virus some time ago. Just by the way, i do not say that i belive him, or that i dont, since i dont have the knowledge about those things aswell.
the fact im pointing out is that there is nothing about being a nerd...

everyone having a bit of computer knowledge arent all nerds.
nope, i got your point. Question answered, thx.
chaplja can see what you did and when
great story

Ip spoofer ,next they hijack his mouse
I highly doubt that it is IP spoof since I think it is impossible (if not it is really hard).
Virus is also unlikely.
It might be a some 3rd party program which somehow detects as a cheat.

Otherwise, nope
I actually did read that and got tricked at the 'Applications' part :P. Well, I really wonder if anyone wants to do this just because get someones account banned. Well, some people have no life :P
it was my cousin
Actually its kinda hard to belive you. Just remembering kalli pretending/flaming to not be "aYhity" that selfbusting xfire screenshot cheating fag. So you should understand the ppl that actually making fun of your journal. If i were you, i wouldnt ask this "friendly" community for help, i would "stalk" chaplja on irc, or writing pm's and shit untill he finally answer me. But that only ofc if you never ever had any cheat on your pc. Otherwise you would make yourself look like a fool. In that case you should just deal with it. If you are clean: Good luck, otherwise....get the fuck off ;)
i gonna stalk^^ thx
Hey everyone,

I am fruits.Apricot, I saw that kaTzeeeee got busted some days ago and was pretty shocked by that news.

I strongly assume that the TZAC device failed and that Katze is totally clean. He has always been a fair player to play against. In my humble opinion, he is not that kind of guy. I don't see him cheating in any way.

I call the competent authorities to lift the ban immediately.

Kind regards.
i believe you since it can always happen that someone hacks your account and gets busted.

it could also happen to mAus or butchji, but it didnt!!!

i mean who would hack with their account :S
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