Leaving Little Bastards :/

Sorry to say it, but this is not working out. It was a great idea to resurrect LB, and it started out great, but there is next to no one that seems to care about making this work. No activity. No one comes to the forum, hardly, I haven't seen Mark in weeks....

It's sad, but, this isn't what I hoped for.

Besides, since I recently started a new company, I have very little time to even play as much as I should, much less run a clan that has no activity. Actually, if the clan was active, I would make more time to run things.

On top of that, all my money is into this business, so I can't afford to pay for anything, so we have no running servers, no TS, no IRC.... nothing. No one wants to donate. People just seemed to want the tags, and not do the work.

It really breaks my heart, but as of now, Mark is the sole owner here.

Since I still have all the access, consider me an honorary member, if you will, and I'll help out, if anyone wants to take this up and try to make it work.

God bless all of you at LB, and I hope we can still frag, often, together.

I don't know who you are or what you're talking about. Are you lost?

I wish all the best for Mark, xoxo.
Are you new to ET or something?
Little Bastards. FFS, been blogging ,journaling, and posting about the clan for months....
must be a really well known clan then i've I never even heard of it :D
Who are you??
it seems that you are easily upset :(?

i'm homie, master of rtcw!

and you?
god bless them
no offense,but nobody here cares about your random low+ 2week team
Obviously, you do, since you read my journal, and LB was started 3 yrs ago, bro, but hey, thanks for trying
reading a journal is automatically caring?

god bless you
god bless them
god doesnt exist
proof him wrong!!

oh wait how are we gonna do this?
Allah akbar
As-Salamu Alaykum
im 12 and wtf is this shit
come back to #Nbs all :DD

trying to go back to international members
lol kicking non-dutch speaking people to recruit them again :D
I'll come back if Goku comes, too
Wish i knew what LB is
LB? never heard of
sad, gl in the future
never heard of this shit before
Sad day for all of us to hear such heartbreaking news. My heart goes out to all of LB.
another wall of text boring as fuck
fucking midlife crisis
I think I played once on your server :D

...but that's quite it
Nah, it was twice. I remember :D
Sad that nobody went to our server even when NBS was down... LB settings are so much better.
Anyways Gl hipkat, if you leave it, I leave it too.
Where ever I end up, I'll let ya know and maybe rec ya! lol
LB would never work because NBS was already in place with enough publics for everyone, thats all.
gl hipkat mate.
Thx Jorge.. .btw, where you BEEN, mate?
Working as a lifeguard. I'll be back in September to play with you ;)
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