LAN in Poland?

i heard rumors there is another LAN in Poland again in the winter for LoL/ET? true? if so give info thx
cu there
google cu lan and see result
Threaten another internet hero, usually on QuakeNet IRC, to beat him up at a LAN event.
check images
it will be in cracow in february
At this point nothing is confirmed, however it's very likely that it will take place in Krakow (South of Poland) in mid-February.
isnt winter like worst time ever to have lan. if this lan take place is there gonna be lan at summer? are there expected to be as many ppl taking part at winter as ~ summer? just wondering why its kept at february
Pretty sure Crossfire Challenge 5 was hosted in december :x sure, NL winter nothing like PL winter but it's actually not a bad time, just take your coat with :D Off season=everything even cheaper than usual. And yes, we do plan on making another lan in summer, around same date as last CGS.
good to hear :)
bears stay colder in winter
No need for heater :DD
Estonian cunt.
cu there stoner
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