how dead is ET atm?

what are the notable EC signup teams?
LANs still have ridicilously small prizepools?
any other prizemoneyinvolved tournaments?
everybody highskill now instead of med+?
and so on
kamz is still virgin
its as dead as never
EC lower than usual
Lans still have ridiciously small prizepools.
Med+ 2 years ago is medskill now.
i mean everybody saying they're highskill now, instead of med+ :d
ˇWell CF med+ is actually med-.
low+ you mean?? because med- = low- to low+
Okei, maybe that way :D
dominator planning a comeback?
stray 3rd last lan ( Adroits ) et is dead
Deader than ever
totally death
I'd say it's 2 minutes to midnight.
ec: queens pdeg decerto squad only teams worth mentioning really. dont know how many teams will finish the ec, but either way doesn't look so great for now, maybe sick6 or some team will sign up, but colt45, mpg, anexis, etc wont play there

lan: teams above - squad + colt45 + anexis, so at least you'll have like five teams competing for top 3 - anexis pdeg decerto queens colt45

either way the games kinda dry atm, so much so that saken is winning stuff
but colt45, mpg, anexis, etc wont play there

See no point in it really. First you have qualifier week, then you have easy group matches, and it will drag on and on. When you actually get to the playoffs, lan will be around the corner and once lan is over, teams probably won't even bother finishing it. If it was like 8 teams invite only then it might be more appealing and useful praccing for lan.
there is gonna be a tournament worth playing right after LAN so I doubt any teams will go inactive instead of competing in that too, which means the teams who signed up for EC will still be there playing. there are just too many prizehungry teams nowadays :) ET = CB and the top teams stopping competing is what has the biggest effect on the game, not prizepots.
Teams always go inactive after lan and it's not because of a lack of competition, players just want a take a break after.
they never left home before or what :? it's not like LAN drains shit out of you that you need to lay in bed for 2 months. etplayers are just stupid.
it actually does for unemployed nerds
i've no idea about the lineups of the teams you mentioned but doesn't sound too convincing :( thx for answer
game so dead i rape everyone easy.
4060teams signed up for clanbase oc/ec in 24hours
and you think that is a lot?
ye it is actually for the first day
no 60teams is nothing

idd, shit dead game is shit
from which 50% will not show or fold during the tournament
That's ma boi, same way of thinking!
below sealevel
and is it 6on6 or 5on5? :D
finding 3on3 after 23 is almost impossible
how about before?
more then possible
well, at least before i stopped playing active (more than 1 year ago) it wasnt that hard to find it, i mean u had to wait 5, maybe 10 mins. Not mentioning times like 2 years ago, when u could still play till 2-3 am without bigger problems on a decent level.
Nowadays? i played couple of days ago, we had to wait more than 20 mins to find med+ 3on3 after 23 :XD et has never been so dead
it's funny because back in 2010 when I was playing with flashdown/rNz/devix a lot in 3on3s we had the same frustration searching for med+ or higher matches. sometimes taking 20mins and the ones who did reply when asked said 'got one.' it just depends on your luck, there are enough skilled 3o3 teams playing daily on the ladder, maybe thats why they arent playing on so late. :d
you were cheaters that's why :O)
yup but with bad reputation
everyone who owns in 3on3 before owning in 6on6 gets a bad reputation

you should know hullumaza 8)
better than anybody!
mega PRO dead
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