
Couldn't pars command line options. Please note that you have to set a game ID in shortcut. Please either use predefined shortcuts or check the website for the information on creating shortcuts to TZAC.exe.

What should I do?
"C:\Program Files\TZAC2\TZAC.exe" 0 +set fs_game etpro
ok its work thx :)
this stuff makes me rage so hard
There's a website for tzac you know?
oh mr. Kovalsky, u are trully helpfull :P
Fail, you fail.
i have the same problem.. i go to c program files TZAC2 and click on the tzac shortcut but then this shit happens : Couldn't pars command line options. Please note that you have to set a game ID in shortcut. Please either use predefined shortcuts or check the website for the information on creating shortcuts to TZAC.exe.

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