get swole

Been awhile since i went to the gym. But im starting to bulk again, thats wassup!

This time i decided to get some supplements , whey and creatine. I'll use the creatine later when im reaching a plateau.

I read in the newspaper they are banning pre-workout supplements with 1,3-Dimethylamylamine, DMAA. (cause some idiot took massive overdose)
Heard good storys about these pre-workouts and i always wanted to try it.
So i got one of the last in stock.

I know alot of you dont care but i still wish you a good day!

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSINRgdo9_sZuBjJ8CLUpHaFXeABHyaUbZ9f3sEuKNW7NvRvIY&t=1

i know theres a majority of bullshit products out there. And the industry trying to make you believe you need them.
whey and creatine is really the only things you might need.
Proper diet beats whey but creatine is the only thing you might need to bulk indeed.
whey is just an easy form for dieting since you eat almost only proteins.
Seems like you read up some stuff! :-)
care to elborate?
Wasn't meant sarcastically. I just remember how you had no knowledge about nutrition whatsoever a couple of months ago and now seem to be able to differ between quite some products and nutrients.
I see, yeah I started reading and obviously I found out that the marketing with supplements in huge and goes as far as PhD's doing on sideded studies to promote their products 'scientific research has proven' sound great but you have to check the research yourself, I was kinda shocked by that.

So always be sceptical in the industry of supplements.
That goes for all kind of products though. Even normal food items or ready-meals come with certain labels that suggest several things the normal user wouldn't question. Such as "no artificial flavors" or "no added flavor enhancer" etc. While those labels are completely correct and legal by law, they most likely still added certain things that should fall into the same category but simply aren't necessary to declare by law :-P

Oh btw, you gonna be at this LAN in Octobre? I surely need one of those chocomel bags and might even want a shirt! :-D
I will drop by for sure, I will buy some more chocomel stuff in that case, I'm using the chocomel bag almost daily hehe, just tell me what you want like 2 or 3 weeks before LAN and I can buy it.
shut up potty, you bad driver, bad player and bad cook, fu
You are a massive cutn and I want to smash your knee caps in.
You must have been born on a highway cuz thats where most accidents happen
yea ok you fat fucking inactive cunt
If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid
you can order it yourself ;) (but ye, the slogan is probably german then)
It's the lazy form. :D
Your wrong. Whey is essential post workout and beats any food.
I might be wrong, might be correct though. The fact comes from this:
I still use my post workout whey since I get home at least 30 minutes after the training and it's pretty late as well usually.
How sure you are that you're correct? It is NOT scientifically proven that the whey actually works out better in the end.
Whey is the fastest absorbing protein u can get, and the short time after u workout ur body/muscles will absorb nutrients like a sponge. This is why whey is a MUST after workout.
Nothing is a must. Some rule maker some guy was when he first got into body building. It's the same with drinking. You HAVE to drink before going out on the field to avoid dehydration. Actually it's not like that.
i wouldnt be so sure about that.
Other schools say it doesnt matter when you eat as long as you get in your daily required nutriënten.
Also was told about a study that showed you best take your post workout meal 1 hour and not directly after workout. At the 1 hour mark its best absorbed ( or something along the line).
Plus there are studies that show there is no anabolic windows whatsoever.

Bottomline; just train hard and eat right!
Eat clean; train dirty!
QuoteAt the 1 hour mark its best absorbed

5mins - 30mins it should be taken :]
Whey is not some magic that replaces food, its actually just food with high protein content.
Whey does kick ass if you want quickly absorbing protein but whey isn't essential if you reach your protein quota with normal diet
u missed what i said completely. whey protein is the fastest absorbing protein which is why u should have it directly after workout instead of anything else.
I didn't, but I just don't think you need to have faster right after your workout. imo the only thing it could improve would be your recovery.

maybe I'm wrong but I just don't buy the fact that you should buy different kind of proteins for better effect (sounds like a corporate gimmick to sell more casein/whey separately to me)
Jack3d for pre-workout. Maximuscle Cyclone for post workout. You'll be making all kiiiiiiiiiiiinds of gains.
ye i got Jack3d, took 1 scoop yesterday to try it.
Didnt notice much at first but i had some more stamina and less fatigue afterwards.
Next time i try 2 scoops.
I think Maximuscle Cyclone is pretty decent too. It is quite overpriced, 45 pounds for 900g but its a combination of whey and creatine (all in one shake).
overpiced hell yeah, i got 2.3 kg whey and 500 gram creatine for € 42, both perfect quality.
funny how you talk about DMAA. this compound is a mixture of 4 isomers and I doubt all have a benefical effect on your body.
its good for an energyboost. Not that good for cardiovascular system. And stimulants are known for the "crash" afterwards. But do i care ho? uh uh
I have to reformulate my post, which I do just for you:

Don't take it, it's bad
nerds tink can dey get swole witout steroid lol xd
aint that stuff for body builders?
im building my body yo! im a bodybuilder!
no you are just getting in shape, eat some fruitzels and stop that crack cocaine man just stop it or you will be missed on this planet in 4 years :(
1,3-Dimethylamylamine aka. Geranium can cause bleeding in your brain , so its ok beside that .... preworkout supps suck.


Test-E 250mg twice per week mixed with some Nolvadex to avoid bitchtits is the best "supp" bro you should try it.
why would you save creatine for later lol
just forget the supplements asfdsdaf
no you are just getting in shape, eat some fruitzels and stop that crack cocaine man just stop it or you will be missed on this planet in 4 years :(
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