CGS 2013 Winter (LAN.PL) leaks
30 Aug 2012, 20:10
Almost as cool as wikileaks, but we pull the strings. Until the official post with all dates and confirmed we will provide you with some gossips to keep people interested.
Gossip #1 that I have for you is that signup fee will take quite a raise compared to last event and will go up to 600 PLN (~150e per team) so around 25e/player
We were bit too optimistic with the previous fee and barely managed to put together budget and for CGS 2013 we might not get as much support from Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny so we had to put the prize up. This however greatly increases the prize pool to a smashing 7,2k PLN (~1800e) at 16 teams.
The rumoured date still remains for february (rather 2nd half). The admin crew will greaty improve with official addition of Seigen, who was already very helpful at last LAN. He will be backed up by Turki and myself. Please have in mind that info provided here might change and treat it as very possible gossip.
Discuss CGS 2013 Winter gossips at our IRC channel!
e:we could use some aditional admins, just drop me a message @ IRC if you think you got what it takes
Gossip #1 that I have for you is that signup fee will take quite a raise compared to last event and will go up to 600 PLN (~150e per team) so around 25e/player
We were bit too optimistic with the previous fee and barely managed to put together budget and for CGS 2013 we might not get as much support from Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny so we had to put the prize up. This however greatly increases the prize pool to a smashing 7,2k PLN (~1800e) at 16 teams.
The rumoured date still remains for february (rather 2nd half). The admin crew will greaty improve with official addition of Seigen, who was already very helpful at last LAN. He will be backed up by Turki and myself. Please have in mind that info provided here might change and treat it as very possible gossip.
Discuss CGS 2013 Winter gossips at our IRC channel!
e:we could use some aditional admins, just drop me a message @ IRC if you think you got what it takes
zwykla proba zgarniecia latwego siana na maniakach gierek komputerowych dla mnie, i tyle w temacie
zamiast szukac sponsorow to wyjebujecie cene za 3 mecze w kosmos... europejczycy i tak nie przyjada bo to dalej za mala nagroda, zostaje jakies 4 druzyny ktore moga zarobic na lanie... bo nikt inny sie nie pojawi, a potem jeszcze bedzie krzyczenie jaka to scena jest niedobra bo wy ogranizujecie lana i nikt nie przyjedzie :S
no ale lepiej zedrzec z graczy hajsy, a nadwyzke zostawic w kieszeni
z exile przyjechalismy bo jeszcze te 50 zl mogl jeden z drugim przebolec
przejebac 2 mecze, poznac ryje z ktorymi gra sie razem kilka lat(niekoniecznie ludzie z teamu), wypic piwo i do domu
jak syriusz napisal, odstraszy slabsze teamy
jak nie znasz sytuacji finansowej co i jak to wypierdalaj :)
BTW ? zrobcie bilety? i po klopocie 20zl na cały okres lana i tyle.... i w tedy zmiejszy sie wpisowe... imo