WarZ gamefootage

So the WarZ gameplay video is finally out. What do you think?

Does it live up to it's promises or is it just a cheap DayZ clone?
looks ok, cant really tell much judging from this apart from the fact that it seems to be one hell of a lot like dayz.
I don't know but it really looks horrible imho. I think WarZ missed a lot of points which made DayZ so great. Like UI... in DayZ was minimalistic and represented just necessary infos. In WarZ it seems it always pops up "New item was added in your inventory" when you pick something up, hunger/thirst meter is particularly badly executed - it shows exactly how bad you are on those stats, in DayZ you knew you are in bad shape but didn't really know how long you can still be alive (like in real life). And hitmarkers? I think I even heard a hitsounds? LOL? Maybe it is meant to be for more casual players than DayZ but then it's nothing but another plain shooter with zombies...

Edit: Couldn't say better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkMRl8697Ss&feature=g-all-u
i agree that the UI looks overly stylized etc. the hunger/thirst argument is meh, i've played dayz alot and it shows perfectly well how your food/thirst is, when it starts flashing you need to eat/drink, pretty easy. But it's pretty obvious warZ is gonna be for more casual players, can still be a decent game tho!
Yea maybe, but I am pretty much disappointed with the footage :<
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