Banning people for no reason

Your thread `Bozar banned` has been modified by an administrator: It has been deleted - private logs, stop being so silly..

OK, here is the thing... I owned some random low/med noobs when one of them appeared to be an admin on IRC channel... he (skeit) banned me there so I made a topic on crossfire (this is the site) and the admin here deleted my topic aswell so here are my questions.

Who the hell can delete my topics? How can this game still be a bit alive with these fucking kiddo admins? :(
crossfire under a totalitarian regime
you play braundorf..
image: afc
true and i own u there :)
nuggan is one of the best aimers in the game so u need to calm down a bit because he would rape u on any map tbh :D
get real my friend... in the old days i was quite owning him at every match... :) especially with rednoss

but i must admit when i played vs him in the last months, he got much better... or i got much worse... so nowadays its much more balanced... i remember we played b4 once and i wasnt playing that shit, maybe a bit under average but he was at boxroom and totally owning me, that never happened to me before with anyone and i have played vs everyone :) so i remember that particular match, it got stuck in me

but the point is that when i play those reflexes games, instagib quakelive and track corners at et, all together for 3 hours, im like a bot and do 60 acc vs anyone but after that i cant sleep for 3 days coz my nervous system is fucked up :D so i just need to warmup as much as good the enemy is :P
no offense but nuggan has played at the highest level of this game and u have only played random 3on3's vs bad opponents and would struggle (at least at the start) playing vs the top teams
at 2006-2009 me and rednoss played vs all the best players and best teams and no matter with who we played, we were always winning, almost nobody stayed on a server untill the end... i dont rly care about winning anything at this game... i know what i can do and that matters to me :)
playing random 3on3's is not the same as playing vs the best teams in ET

if u dont care about winning, maybe you should stick to public mode? dunno
i kinda agree, i dont even care enough to reply tbh
Maybe it is a sign you shouldn't play ET every night/day until 7 AM :PPPPPPPPPPPP
I think the problem is not in the admin, but someone do not respect others (admins, players).

Try think why you're banned everywhere. Change your behaviour and you will not banned - trust me.
im banned because that loser accused me of hacking... trubko, v tom předchozím topicu asi 30 lidí řeklo, že je to idiot a tak to smázli -.-
Je to opravdu smutné, zase neprávem busted :-( . Asi je to tvůj osud, že ti stále někdo křivdí.
busted? vždyť ani nevíš, co to znamená očividně :)
Očividně vím - zkrachovalý :-).
Vždyť jen člověk všude čte o tvých banech. Myslíš, že to je pro tebe dobrý vývoj v ET scéně?
Jak jsem ti řekl, je obrovská škoda, že hráč takových kvalit jako jsi ty, si sám vše kazí.
to je osud... neříkám, že hraju vždycky dobře, občas jen tak brainlessly běhám po mapě pro odreagování, ale až si budeš občas dávat hráče po třech, tak to taky poznáš... :)
Nobody cares just shut the fuck up please
hhahaha so funny first ban a guy for no reason ,then delete his posts n then tell him to stfu...... nice to see how retarded people are
"then delete his posts", first of all, these things are different and done by different persons so no need to put it in a row like it's all a part of one big conspiracy.
His thread was deleted for posting private logs (pm's), it is known and here for a very long time now, that it's not allowed.
thats the second most stupidest thing related to crossfire i have ever heard

what are you on about ?
pointless stupid rules
You didn't know about the private logs thing? I honestly dunno why that rule has been added because it's indeed a stupid rule (imo), but it has been here for years already.
ofc i knew, u forgot ur talking to the crossfire's record holder on removed & posted journals .
thats because anyone can modify the logs and make it untrue... so its kinda logical and good rule but not when its about stuff like this which i obviously didnt modify in any way... u better think about who u cover and who ur a friend with :)
Well yes, agree, but I didn't even think about people editing private logs so that's probably just me forgetting how retarded ppl can be ^^

"u better think about who u cover and who ur a friend with :)" -- Who are you referring to? Or is it just meant in general?
private logs rule is about as useful as cb's 3 players per team in NC rule

i've seen loads of journals with priv logs and people don't delete them tbh? so where is the consistency?
Don't ask me, I don't speak for the whole adminteam, just for myself and I won't be covering up for other admins either. I can't do ycn cf and gtv 24/7 either, spending way too much time on it already.
Good To Know.
Inappropriate use of capital letters!
go back to bending spoons, bender.
That is not a way to talk to a player. You have got to holla at me first dawg
Hello, racist!

I hope you get bummed by a big black man
Didn't you say once that you have supernatural abilities? Like your brain's power is infinite? Why not kill the guy by hitting him with deathly brainwaves?
Nice :-) hahahahahahaha - you made ​​me laugh :-))))))))))))))).
Skeit doesn't even play anymore.
I saw him searching low+ a couple of days ago (no joke), so I guess this tells us a lot about what Bozar thinks 'owning' is..
Bozar playing without hands anyways.
fuck, so good
Bozar playing without hands anyways.
Such a drama, the tzac banned player gets banned from woop woop.
hes not tzac banned, hes banned

ur brainbanned tho, u 2should make a band
People would think you were able to write atleast a sentence by now that would make sense. I am brainbanned? Still raping and rolling your ass with ease.
still would apply a fact that u once already did

brainban pls
I once already did rape your ass with ease.
Die gast kan echt geen Engels XD
true dat, you once gave me 3hs

was a nice shot tbh, gratz
stop attention-whoring, you're a massive wannabe, a retard and a liar.
see you boztard
make your own channel, problem solved :D
obviously, the crossfire and especially the clanbase admins are the biggest retards ive ever seen...
if u get unbanned and they see u playin an offi they gonna ban u again for nothing... retards killing this game even more since almost nobody is cheating anymore...
scumbags like ohurcool just dont get that cuz theyre some nolife fags just like killerboy a few years ago..
you´re so not right on this one...
I could make up a decent reply to this but I just cba XDDDDDDDDD
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