Closing ET freezes PC

Hi :)
I've got a problem with my new PC: Everytime I close ET the whole system freezes. It doesn't matter if I click on "Exit" or use /quit. The only solution is to force a shutdown via power button.

Things I've already tried:
- Checked temperatures - everything is ok
- Reinstalled ET
- Reinstalled PB
- Running ET as admin
- Also running pnkbstra.exe and pnkbstrb.exe with admin privileges

Every other game works fine. Any ideas?

image: 4349168337_fd1f5f27789qu8e

Update: Because I couldn't find the source of the problem I reinstalled Windows. Now it's working again.
do you play on PB servers a lot? :d if not try deleting the "pb" folder from your ET directory, solved some freezing problems I had in the past.
I only play on a few public servers… and they all have pb enabled :/
keep playing then lawl
not really the solution I had in mind. but thx anyway :P
what the fuck.. but yeah, try to isolate the problem.. try without pb, try another mod, try other configs, other maps, other servers etc
It happens on different servers and on every map. Another mod is not an option. Also I'm pretty sure it has something to do with pb. Will test tzac servers next. thx :)
dont close et
try to freeze your pc, et will close automatically
Try pressing alt+enter
Then do alt+ctrl+delete
then click process and try to end the et process from there
I've already tried that, of course. Like I said, the whole system freezes, so I can't even kill ET.exe :L
image: 561615_10150999034156389_1397409152_n

what kinda defense do you use (had the same with comodo defense)
default windows firewall
Thought about missing firewall permissions, too. But I don't understand why it would crash ET.
stops the app from progressing, bugged cuz u cant accept or deny, and it just sits there frozen as a fuckin drunkin eskimo'

surley its not the firewall thats crashing it..

try going r_fullscreen 0 then /quit :P

id try updating gfx card
Already got the latest drivers installed. Maybe the problem will disappear after the next update.
werry interesting problem, try and change some stuff in the control pannel, if u have high settings(qualty) try turning them down 2x/4x maybe even off :P

i think thers some strange conflict betwen the opengl and ur drivers/gfx

if that doesnt fix it, you might try and reinstall et again :P this time do it the oldschool way, google for

et patch 2.60
et 2.60b

the trick here is to install it on a diff partition maybe even on a diff HD, microsoft is securing the C:/ directory, its secure if u point and click, but if u type a command to delite windows/system32 from cmd prompt, it will do it without even asking you :) might be some fuckup on the partition try on a diff drive :)
image: 644304_263500693768211_965094194_n
how may i help you?
i can help you fix the problems u are having/experiencing, but i doubt u will let me
have a nice evening
Already changed the settings. I had created an application profile for ET in Catalyst Control Center, but deleting it didn't help.
My ET already was on a different HD, because it used to work without reinstalling when I formatted the C:\ drive. When the problem occured I moved it to C:\ (I wanted it on the SSD anyway). But regardless of the drive I put it on, it still crashes everything. The only thing remotely connected to what you wrote is that I installed Win using a MBR instead of a GPT.
I only want to "correctly" install ET if there's no other solution.

But you're right, it probably has something to do with the gfx. Maybe I'll try an older driver/another gfx just to see if it makes a difference (ok probably not. I'll just stop playing ET :D)

thx again!
hers another idea, i think its a longshot but worth a try, change ur desktop resolution to the same as ingame, if you have r_mode 4 put 800x600 on ur desktop, fingers crossed :D

i also noticed u have a werry sick cpu, try runing et with that "Core selector" thingy,
it allows u to run the et on a desired core, might be a cpu problem there aswell, since the whole system goes Fubar

another longshot idea, (ignore if u already tried the default et config) remove etconfig.cfg from everywhere dont exec ur config, quit the game (rly doubt its any cvar problem..)

what kinda system are u runing? im guessing win7 64bit
i c, the problem just came out of nowhere after the windows reinstall, did u installed a diff copy or anything?
at this point im also guessing bad/corrupt windows install :< the last resort, when u total give up, to do a clean format, remove everything and try it again with a diff copy, hope u dont have to do this

download a diff gfx driver (older)

it also seems as a RAM issue aswell, try changing the voltage up just a litle :P

could also be a PSU thingy.. if u have a spare PSU give it a try

try a defrag and a registry defrag aswell

il try to think this thing thru, also do you have any directX games doing the same thing?

haha thx for the input!
First I'll try different graphics drivers.
Ingame resolution and desktop resolution are the same.
No, I didn't install a different copy. But I installed it on completely new hardware. And like I said before: temperatures are fine, as is everything else. Apart from the ET crashes the system is stable and much more demanding/worse programmed games (skyrim with a lots of mods, dayz) run flawlessly. No other game ever crashed like that.
The drives are defragmented regularely.
Although I'd like to find the source of the problem, right now I won't reinstall the OS just because one game is giving me trouble. It's the forced shutdowns that annoy me.
shouldnt be a temp problem, since it crashes during exiting and not while gaming :P

indeed strange problem, even i have never experianced a crash like that

il take a look at this again in the morning wish u good luck and have a nice evening.

also when i was talking about the PSU
you must have your power settings set to balanced or normal, power save will freeze your comp on game exit.
check dat power save thingy :P
You know what? ET closed without problems on every non PB server I played on. If you search crossfire you'll find several journals describing similar problems. Many seem to be PB related.
I'll play some more to make sure, but atm it looks like PB is the culprit.
It's pb.

What to do is, uninstall pb, then shift + delete the folders, within the program, and within the user files, also remove the services and attributes attached, Finnally, remove any trace in the registry.


Double check

Reinstall pb

The quick way would be format
he already said he reinstalled pb :)
I don't have pb installed, there's only the folder in ET and the pnkbstr files/services in the win system folder. Also the OS drive was completely new when the problem occured first (new SSD with fresh OS)
I thought it might have something to do with the services not running correcty, but everything looks alright. Firewall settings seem ok, too. And even disabling the firewall didn't stop the crashes.
but thx!
When you reinstall it it leaves the sys file there, and re-uses them. You have to follow my steps to ensure it installs a fully fresh set of system files.

Your welcome!
Ok! Although I'll try non-pb servers first to see if it still crashes.
Tried it, doesn't crash on non PB servers. wtf
So I completely removed all traces of pb and reinstalled it. But the problem persists.
It's def PB, you must be missing something. Did you remove from registry ?
Uninstalled using pbsvc.exe with admin privileges

  1. PB folder inside ET folder
  2. Punkbuster folder inside C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local (the locaction of the PnkBstrK.sys file you mentioned)
  3. In C:\Windows\SysWOW64:
    • PnkbstrA.exe
    • PnkbstrB.exe
    • PnkBstrB.xtr
    • PnkBstrB.ex0

  4. Several entries in the registry. Most described paths to files inside the ET folder that had already been deleted, as well as permissions for the windows firewall. I searched for punkbuster, pnkbstr and evenbalance.

Restarted after uninstalling and after editing the registry. Installed using admin privileges. Also gave admin privileges to any pnkbstra/b.exe file I could find.
1.Click Start
2.Click Control Panel
3. Click System and Maintenance(System and Security in Win 7)
4. Click Administrative Tools
5. Double-Click Event Viewer.
6. Under Windows logs, Click System tab
7. Check for red errors icons and the exclamation icons.
The only critical errors are me shutting down the system unexpectedly :)
Get ET minimizor and never shut ET :P
You sir, are a GENIUS! I'll just minimize ET and kill the process instead of closing it the normal way \o/
wanted to say that :(
I read ur comments and u told that u tried that with ALT + TAB, so I bet it wont work with minimizor, so its better just to leave it open :P
Yep, crashes when I try to minimize :D fufufu
What I meant before is: ALT+ENTER doesn't work once ET crashes, because the whole system is unresponsive.
Can you vid_Restart normally?
Try etmin.exe
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