y ET so low

Yeah why is it, it's been 9 and a half years of it and it's still in babyshoes

- Most people can't get spawntimes by their own (for real, say_team spawntimers should be the most useless thing ever)
- Most people that can judge when the opponent spawns does it in ++30 seconds anyway
- Most people that have the spawntime forget about it every once in a while
- Most people that have the spawntime don't know what to do with it
- Most people that have their own spawntime, don't really know about that one either
- Very, very few players master spread and most people don't have a clue about it really, although it's the most important thing in the game
- Hardly anybody knows anything about dodging, hitboxes or spread when it comes to details, or even if it didn't
- There's no real strategies/tactics that teams use, no serious_teamwork is involved, attacks hardly synchronized, nothing new or innovative strats (coverts, smokes, baits, ..) are used or even thought of
- Most people don't have the basic picture in their head where the opponent are/can be and where your teammates are (in 3on3)
- Most people can't count to three (in 3on3), meaning how many of the opponents are alive
- Most people don't know the maps (in 3on3), how the maps work (gr cp stage/last stage, supply every stage, ..)
- In short, most people don't think ingame, they just go with the flow spawn after spawn and don't predict what the opponent will do
- People can't count nades+ammo or dodge nades at all (in 3on3)
- Hardly anybody, if anybody, analyzes their game, or analyzes the opponent pre-/mid-game

Those were on the top of my mind gonna add more l8r

What else? Tell me more things that makes ET lowskilled! And you agree don't you?

E: And these are basic stuff, nothing extraordinary, yet nobody really knows much about these D:
- Some people still don't use etpro spawntimer and bind it wisely
- Many people don't think about / dodge landmines, (radar cp, supply east don't count, too known) What you could dodge is west radar trick mine for example, yet it's not used much
- People dont use command map at all or very rarely, even though it can give you alot of additional info if youre able to multitask well.
- Most people are totally shit in mental game
- No team switches classes to max out efficiency
- Hardly anybody knows deadcam points to east
- Most people don't know you can't hide your own supportfire's smoke

image: 10841123
something to stare at there ^
i know the spawntime when the round starts

never used to hide behind barrels on supply
i always push after respawn
one does not simply push out while playing me roflmaocoptermjawcatlolwtfhaxn0b
I'm lowskilled anyways, so it's ok.. but I notice a lot of these points when watching ettv
yeah but when I say 'most people' it's most of "highskill" players too
very few is like less than 10 out of all players
I know, in 6o6 attack-tax are really dull(if a team even has them, at best its like a,b,c go there, d,e that way), only watched 1 3o3 recently, but it kinda looked like playing public while on ts..I guess ppl just cba to spend time on improving their tactical play nowadays
but the tactical play never was as deep as it could've easily been
i thought this will end with an advert to some wallhack
interesting points. Being a good player is all in the details, and these are them
yeah but can you name any that matches all of them? :f
every single "medskilled" player with a "good aim"
no and no, none of medskills, and don't know if any of highskills either
forget about the aim, it falls under the spread category, in which reload for example, fails too
im talking about all the points u made, who fits into that category
"medskilled" players with a "decent aim"

which part of no you didn't get? hardly any of highskillers fits this category
thats what i said
ok now i get the nickname 'retard' of yours
if you're talking about ET players i wouldn't know cause i don't know the scene that well. Besides i think in general most "highskilled" players do match them all, but in some points they are better than other ones, hence it looks like they don't have all of them (okay this sounds so bro-science to the max :D)

If i had to put any rtcw names i'd guess (with ones i played with cause otherwise it's sometimes hard to judge) (on their best points of these things):
brainwise (more in the sense as an individual): Mata, Sipperi
movement: askungen, owzo, fette
aim: crumbs, kris, bully
ingame leader strategy (sees overall game as a whole & knows how to change main tax ingame to win when things go wrong): merlinator, twister
I think you'd be surprised if you knew how few would match all of those :f but ye everybody has those to some extent but that extent is so low :l

can't judge rtcw players dunno about those
i heard summ3l and civ were totally sick aimers :P
maza bestest
every player has an urge to get a very high damage each game, Im not saying its not important to shoot damage. But there are like very good damage shooters with 0 teamplay. I will not say names.
0 revives
0 helping engineer doing objectives
just rush in and get some rambo stuff done. which will lead to a fullhold
You don't really need to revive if all 3 shoot at the same time.
True, but of course there are scenario's that are different where engi gets gibbed on full. Even highskilled players let stuff like this happen, because they want to achieve the image of a skilled player by dealing most damage.
it's often better for the medic to shoot first than instantly revive
I've never really cared for highest dmg, probably because ive never been able to go get even near the highest dmg dealer in 5v5/6v6 :D I rather have shitloads of revives :)
I tend to forget spawntime time to time dunno why. Always shouting in voice "What was the spawntime?!" :SS

I think last time people even tried to invent new tactics was when bF was playing. Nowadays teams hardly even prac.
added your problem :P
I guess most of the people won't pay attention to the tactics teams use while spectating, because they just wanna see mAus or whoever play who does the most damage. If you want to see how a team actually plays you need to be using free cam or rotating between all the players constantly.

Atleast with fin6 we basically went through every map paying attention to even the smallest details trying to master the tactics. I'm not saying we did anything spectacular that would change the game, but our tactics definitely weren't just "3 guys upstairs, 3 guys downstairs" or "2 east, 1 spawn, 3 west". Not all of the things we tried worked out, but for example our bremen cp defence was excellent with 4 medics on pretty static positions, 1 medic playing a more free role and 1 field op just running through all the positions each spawn to provide the medics with necessary ammo so that none of the 4 medics ever had to selfkill. I haven't seen any other team try a defence like that.

Also on some maps we even had team specific tactics designed to work best against their players and playing style, but I guess I'm not gonna go into more details. Anyway point is that not every team plays with just the same static tactics from year to year.
Actually jari.et copycatted your bremen tactics:PP
why so serious about almost 10 y o free game.
I'd say this is more due to lack of concentration rather than just being low. Or even too much concentration on getting a kill instead of the overall game.

As for your prediction on "less than 10 people out of all the highskilled players follow these", either that is extremely off or I've been lucky enough to play with most of them.
It's just a random guess, he did not investigate the question. I also only want good calls and communication on teamspeak within the team and dont others to shitfuck rambo and get full.
I think you don't recognize if something is off, e.g. with spread you can't tell it unless you know it perfectly yourself, same with tactics related to spawntimes or map-specific situations. I've been stunned by how low the best players are if you look at the list I made even the best players could take a good look at theirselves and pick the one that they miss.
i am the master at baiting, pm for tips
i think most people know about hitboxes, polaks at least

but if ur so annoyed about it, u could tell about all the points u made here and how to imrove them :d
also if people knew about hitboxes and spread, there wouldn't be this "unhittable"-legend, so doubt polaks know any more than anybody else :f
about polaks, was half a joke, since u can see hitboxes with cheats

and its no legend that for example most polish players are harder to hit (for me at least)
good strafe skills, thats all xD

as long as every single player wont have private opticfibre wire, hitting problems will exist
I actually really don't have a clue about spread. Besides the fact that making bigass mousemovements will higher your spread, jumping highers it as well, and crouching turns spread all the way down. For the rest, I'd actually like to know how to apply it. Same goes with hitboxes/dodging, I honestly haven't got the slightest clue ( besides proning fucks up hitboxes, that's about it ).
hmm, makes me think if I actually should do a tutorial some day if that's true :f a lot of times knowing the spread saved me because my aim let me down, so instead of outaiming I often just "outspreaded" D:
i was always sure spread in ET is random :-0
well when you have spread the bullets will spread randomly but how you get spread and the amount of it isn't random
what u mean with knowing the spread? :p
u just kept shooting (at body for bigger "hit space") and hoped it would hit since the spread is big enough or what? :p
knowing the spread = knowing what produces spread and how to minimize it and how to maximize the opponent's spread, and how to avoid having a lot of spread
haha, such a good read and I couldn't agree more. RtCW it was all about the respawns, we (rtcw players) had longer spawns so it was vital that you synced with it and attacked properly. I was always useless at this, but luckily I had a good spawntimer and a decent teamleader...

One think that really seperates RtCW play from ET is the constant aggressive play before the spawns, obviously ET has short spawntimes so this is far more common but it was something I had to get used to quickly.

Big kudos to maza for the topic, nice read.... plus little shoutout to mztik who showed me the ropes of good spawn attacks etc (Still didn't stop me from being slow on the kill out and getting full spawn as a consequence!)
Quote- Most people can't count to three (in 3on3), meaning how many of the opponents are alive

all the time :D
can somebody recommend me some games that fit most of the points listed by maza ? i dont have any clue on more than 75% of them :( and would like to really improve asap
list the ones you don't have clue about..?
- Very, very few players master spread and most people don't have a clue about it really, although it's the most important thing in the game (what is this ?)
- Hardly anybody knows anything about dodging, hitboxes or spread when it comes to details, or even if it didn't (what is this ? )
- There's no real strategies/tactics that teams use, no serious_teamwork is involved, attacks hardly (have no idea what it is all about it, i am lucky if i get told to stay somewhere in the map..., got no clue about teamwork or sync fire )
- Hardly anybody, if anybody, analyzes their game, or analyzes the opponent pre-/mid-game
- In short, most people don't think ingame, they just go with the flow spawn after spawn and don't predict what the opponent will do (this is so hard to do when you have improper teammates, I cant think for them also)

most of the times i am playing 3on3 games , i tell everybody where to stay and i lead them somehow , but during the game seeing nobody is willing to focus to give useful comms and help with the brain part , i get lost and forget to even think for myself, mentally stuck

can you give me some advices or play some games with me ? so i can see what should be like / get some ideas ?
spread is a huge subject can't teach that in short

and that relates to dodging and hitboxes they work together but all of these need thorough tutorial with pictures and probably videos

strats - can't tell about them just pointing out there aren't much of those, but teamwork you either learn by just playing or if you get taught by somebody playing with you, or you spec somebody and pick it up from there, in a lot of situations if you had unbound nades and healthpacks you and your team would be better off, atleast in 3on3

analyzing is watching your demos / ettv replays after the game to see what you're doing wrong / right, with opponents it's stalking their way of playing and maybe weaknesses

yeah dumb teammates don't help you with this one and can't teach you how to "think" guess that just either comes out of practice or it doesn't, same with predicting, some learn how to do it, most don't. practice helps anyway (and playing with pro players)
i'm always searching 3on3 med/+ games on irc with my friends although we know we are going to loose, but we prefer losing to them rather than winning low+/med- , keeping the hope that maybe we are going to improve our gamestyle

irc is so full of retarded med- polish players , who speak with you only on their language and flame you as much as possible . they only know being unhit....
People that think acc equals skill (Most stupid statement ever)
Most people die by a landmine placed in the same spot over and over again
added something landmine related
reminds me of Ati_
"ET players are stupid and rush too much, I can't believe how many trickshots work"
maza mad? :(
nah I've been bothered by this for a long time already =p honestly wondering
Just play with me then! Though before the ETPro spawntimer was released I also forgot the spawntime :d
not playing ET either, atleast atm! the little time I have spare I use for quakelive for now =)
Someone's mad
Quote- Most people can't get spawntimes by their own (for real, say_team spawntimers should be the most useless thing ever)

what if someone gets it before others??????????+++++?
Was wondering the same thing... I mean why would everbody get the spawntimes on their own? it's way easier if the first player to get it, just echo's it in the teamchat or something.
i usually get to play with retards who get the spawn , and don't say shit , and i end up 3 mins later in the game asking for the spawn time, and he just tells me : yo... how comes you dont have the spawntime lol
I guess the point of mine was that everything relates to spawntimes so even a rough estimate in the first 10-15 seconds should be made out of how they start playing, push out, how quickly they tap out after dying, or do they take the passive start play it safe etc, I don't think most people can judge spawntimes unless the opponent actually selfkills and I'm not talking about that ofc everybody can do that. Right? D: There might be matches where they won't selfkill in the first minute or so and if you (super-spawntime-judge) are away from the situations that give hints about spawntimes you're screwed. Atleast I am in 3on3 very screwed if I don't know their spawntime.
And ok I could go and edit that say_team spawntimers aren't completely wrong but they keep pasting it after minutes of play and unless you're in limbo all the time it's much more handy to just say the spawntime out loud. (For rough estimates I doubt it's handy either - better that everybody has an estimate of their own) And even in more detail, you really should bind the "timer: set"-button to mwheelup or somewhere where it's easily accesible so that you don't need to lift your hands.

copypaste from another reply dunno if it fits + don't know if that reply fit 6on6 perfectly
E: and obviously I'm not talking about the exact spawntime doesn't matter how you inform it when you get it but before that
all dem pseudo-scientific claims
got noidea about spread :D

oke i googled it a bit and found some stuff like : Receiving Damage: getting hit by bullets increases spread
this is why i when some1 is camping at door way and comes to shoot me i aim at legs and usyally win :DD (atleast thats how i think it works)
google gives you a basic idea maybe but doesn't cover all the points and all situations
walking up on stairs shitloads of spread
walking over bumps on the groud gives u more spread etc etc :D its annoying :P
also swimming, ice and ladders
doing backflips
Thats why I created this: http://www.crossfire.nu/news/6200/enemy-territory-tutorial-pack

Too bad it was too wide topic to do(and my lack of interest later on), leading to bad end result(doesn't go into very details anywhere, just scratching the surface). Also config at videos isn't the most userfriendly :D Neither was my engrish.
I should have just concentrated to etpro and get some help at some points(like weapon spread). Should I do that kind of tutorial pack again? With better cfg, english and etpro only?
well if you do you should concentrate to competitive players and helping them and thorough spread tutorial is a must!
damn there is so much nobrain in this game

when u time a nade, they even call you lucky if they get surprisingly banged

i hate playing with guys who doesnt know the spawntime after 5mins.
I personally don't think you have merits to preach people about 6on6 tactics, maybe 3on3, but even in that format you aren't in my top10. And I don't mean any offense with this, it only seems that you think of very highly of yourself.

ps not bothered to argue over the points you made, but I agree with what you said about spread and hitboxes.
Am I preaching in 6on6 tactics? I've hardly played 6on6, just saying there's room for a much bigger scale tactical play if somebody was willing to do it. In 3on3 it's a different story I could preach but instead I said people are doing it wrong and they are, no doubt, even the 'highskills' :d Maybe talking those things over would make people convinced and think nicer about me but that would mean a total TL;DR for nearly everybody.
Some of the points I read clearly refer to 6on6. For example using a covert in 3on3 is a huge disadvantage for the team and quite unrealistic in head-on situations. Smoke tacs were tried but they never took on. Waiting on radar to make believe allies are going side when in fact pushing main is very popular. I just have to disagree with you, they have been tried and the best teams do try to find the best way to attack/defend a map. I just think you fail to see it or you haven't specced games where they were used in.

And furthermore, very eloborate strategies have a high chance of failing, and especially in 3on3 don't give such a huge advantage.
lithi has spoken \0
I have half a dozen of working new tactics that are new and unseen, what makes you think there isn't any or everything is tried out already? :d I'm not talking about elaborate strats or anything
Clear controversy when you deem them working and yet they're new & unseen.

And in all honesty, I really doubt that they work or are new. Care to venture a few examples?
I think they work because I've tested each one of them against EC teams and well.. they worked. I probably won't mention any right now cos the ideas are mine and for the use of my team only :))
I'm still sceptical about them, but prove me wrong in the upcoming ec/bfb3
im low and i have/can/know everything you said
then you're high
no, im low +
then you have a brain
Quero ver isso quando voltar ;D
pds taught me about spread control so i'm all cool !
Playing since 2003, still can't trickjump over supply main gate.
didnt u quit?
yep, why?
still online every hour of the day? lol
its et deal with it
et will ever have some players who r playing this game for many years and still dont know how to play it correctly
thats normal :)
I can also tell u 1000 things about battlefield 3 players, bfbc 2 players and many more
every game has those players and u cant do anything
well u can reduce the number of such players by doing vids how to aim, dealing with hitboxes and so on but still there will be few people who will play stupid :)

that's no reason to get excited
chill :)

that is my opinion
what I meant the skillroof is a lot lower than it should be and those things I listed should be the first things a new ET player would learn :o
Actually all you need to be a "good" 3on3 player is either have superior aim or superior gamesense, if you're good at both you're pro. Thats about it.
real question here is, y u so low?
sup with you too?
Don't play ET brah, im a g5 player raping any game I play. sup with that brah?
*backs off*
You don't have to back off brah, you are a dawg wanting his share of food. I understand that. People like unforgiven on the other hand should be run over several times. :)
Cause people think aim > gameplay.

Most Tactical people left ET only egoistic aimers left that wanna get most damage given :<
only lows replying, kamz top lowskiller [flag=[flag=[flag=[flag=]]]]
why all the hate towards lowskiller :<
he hates himself then too :s
I'm always amused when I play with Night or Clown(some more but those made the biggest impression), a lot more of the game becomes clear for me when the lead in game. But yeah what do you want both of them made at least 8000 euro with this game so the better be good :O
clown is one of the worst players around
That's why he made atleast 8000 euro in this game I guess, and regardless of his aim his leadership is great.
nowadays u need to have aim as well, that's why he's no longer considered a good player
hes better than you and will always be better than you, u have never achieved anything just because good team had YOU

no wonder u are crying here 24/7 :DD 10years of ET and still bad
kindergarden trolling lol

blindi clone?
your mom looks like a brick
ive never understood how the spread worked, but ive still had pretty sick aim at my more active times
nice generalizing. anyway - aren't you supahupah1337QL star skilled enough not to bother about this :D?
sup with the tone? why couldn't I be bothered :<
-majority of proven good players are not playing anymore
-newer players get worse quality of practice as whole scene is smaller than it used to be, takes longer to get better, ofc this same applys to everyone.
-older players who are still playing are not playing like they used to. When you were in highschool you could play +6hours/day 7 days a week, now the same players might only play 4 hours a week and also have a lot more breaks in their activity. Even with experience they've gathered along the years they probably never reach their peak again.
-theres hardly any motivation or dedication as theres nothing to win or prove, more casual gaming etc. nobody gives a fuck
-technical rant was pretty useless imo, understanding spawntimes or spread is not a key-factor of beeing good, maybe analyzing it can you give a different approach for your learning but other than that i wouldnt give a fuck
-3v3 has always been and is more fun and warmup mode than anything else. hardly anyone is trying to minmax it.
-top level players are still very decent and understand the game very well, some more than others but its there!
Quote+6hours/day 7 days a week


Get a life, nerds. This is seriously wrong.
chmp has spoken.
agree/disagree ?
agreed, partially. Understanding spawntimes in a game that has evolved into something that is purely based on timing is... rather big.
The fact he said on some interview that he quits ET cos there wasn't enough challenge for him says enough of his opinions!
this journal does not make any sense. :s
all really good points. I've always thought about this point though:
QuoteThere's no real strategies/tactics that teams use, no serious_teamwork is involved, attacks hardly synchronized, nothing new or innovative strats (coverts, smokes, baits, ..) are used or even thought of
I can't remember any team that tried something new in this game since I started playing it. Almost every team has some tactics like where players are supposed to go but hardly any team has something specific to tell players how they should attack and do something creative but maybe some teams do it but not many.

Quote- Most people don't have the basic picture in their head where the opponent are/can be and where your teammates are (in 3on3)
couldn't agree more with this one its like most players never really think of this.

GOOD stuff maza, you still play or is et too lowskilled for u ;P? QL?!
I'm playing ql but might switch back to ET some day, dunnodunno, ql is dying and so on and ontheotherhand I should study and and :(
at the risk of sounding really rude, i have no idea who the fuck you are ;[
im maza :) nobody you should know though!
And who gives a flying fuck? like really.. i wish half of you bastard dribblers would wake up....ITS A FUCKING GAME!!
- People dont use command map at all or very rarely, even though it can give you alot of additional info if youre able to multitask well.

Actually I'm assuming many, atleast lower skilled players have never even entertained the idea of using command map, besides for checking for who has to CP!
Not that I use it my self!

Also maybe one of the biggest leaks I constantly see is:
- Most people are totally shit in the mental game. Lets say its first map of this imaginary final of a big prestigious cup. Your team is attacking Goldrush and gets fullheld on tank. Its crazy how low the team confidence can get after that and how much the comms drop etc. I dont mean to say its easy: just dont let it affect the next round at all..
But you do get all these feelings naturally like the opponent is so much better and your gonna get raped, but its not totally logical often. So its def. possible to work on that.
added both, especially the last one is a good one
Agree with u maza
- Most people can't get spawntimes by their own (for real, say_team spawntimers should be the most useless thing ever)

In my experience majority of people I play with can get spawntimes on their own.
I dont think say_team spawntimers are useless, quite the opposite. What ensam said and many players want to know the exact second, which you dont get that easily obv.

- Most people that have the spawntime forget about it every once in a while

More than natural for anyone. What matters is how often it happens, this point cant be made by typing imo.

- Most people that have the spawntime don't know what to do with it

True! People wanna make plays because of spawntime at times that are actually really bad and they would be better off if they didnt even think about spawntimes at all. Also just in general not using the info well enough etc.

- Most people that have their own spawntime, don't really know about that one either

True, just poor general awareness of things that are important is kinda low in ET compared to some other games.

- Very, very few players master spread and most people don't have a clue about it really, although it's the most important thing in the game

Most important thing in the game? :) Wouldnt know, since I have very poor understanding of the spread!

- Hardly anybody knows anything about dodging, hitboxes or spread when it comes to details, or even if it didn't

I find it disturbing how people dont strafe in spots where they are realoading for example and opponent appears in front of them. They just rather stay still and die. Theres some value in wasting opponents bullets a little more for example! Plus wasting extra few seconds maybe and even getting a few (more) hits on the opponent because of it. Theres no excuse for the lack of strafe many people have! In terms of different movement in duels I dont really know.

- There's no real strategies/tactics that teams use, no serious_teamwork is involved, attacks hardly synchronized, nothing new or innovative strats (coverts, smokes, baits, ..) are used or even thought of

I dont think this is true, mainly speaking of 6on6. Teams do have some of their own strategies most of the time and the best teams certainly pay attention to timings that they push at the same time from different locations.
It comes down to is it being done enough and well enough, its tricky to argue. You are probably right that if we try to compare to other games these are done poorly (if at all) in ET.

- Most people don't have the basic picture in their head where the opponent are/can be and where your teammates are (in 3on3)

The better players do.

- Most people can't count to three (in 3on3), meaning how many of the opponents are alive

I cant believe how hard this is for me at times! :D Playing more would fix it by it self though, atleast in my case.

- Most people don't know the maps (in 3on3), how the maps work (gr cp stage/last stage, supply every stage, ..)

Many of these points come down to that if all the players did, then would there even be skill differences. Theres big skill gaps in every game. The best players have thought about how to play optimally on pretty much every spot and keep thinking about different ways that might work.

- In short, most people don't think ingame, they just go with the flow spawn after spawn and don't predict what the opponent will do

Just the ability to think makes you a better player than the majority in this game. So yeah the level of play in general is not that high! =) Thats the whole point of this journal I guess and I do tend to agree.

- People can't count nades+ammo or dodge nades at all (in 3on3)

We felt kinda advanced with RAAB on adlernest when deciding to go for lower push with docks with three guys in the very end stage as our default tactic. Mainly to punish opponents that didnt have a fop (most back then) and to make them run out of ammo (95% of teams also challenged unnessecary fights, without us really pushing in and wasting their limited ammo) ez game! Might be a little sad that something like this is considered very advanced in this game. Or that most people would never actually understand what the strategy was all about when speccing.

- Hardly anybody, if anybody, analyzes their game, or analyzes the opponent pre-/mid-game

How can you know this? :D I remember someone analyzing different opponents pregame in some of the fin teams that I've played at. Sometimes even strats where formed around some particular (bad, rusty) player playing a certain position. All this could be done more ofc and to consider how someone goes very aggressive and leaves maybe potential exploits in defence should be capitalized more.
For analyzing opponents mid game is something that could be done, but is almost never used. Theres very little spots for it and counter strategies might not be all that efficient and hard to pull. This is mainly since the play is so static.

- Many people don't think about / dodge landmines, (radar cp, supply east don't count, too known) What you could dodge is west radar trick mine for example, yet it's not used much

I was one of the players who never dodged supply east mines for example, but dodged the west trickmine at radar and actually seemed to remember it, while many people that knew it kept forgetting it in high intensity situations.
Took me enough years though to understand how important and easy it is to dodge certain mines. :D
Its one of the better examples here regarding skill level in ET. It should be very basic to atleast try to dodge some of the common mines, but alarmingly many people basicly never even try.
Same goes to running to the same spam riflenades all the time. Funnily enough stuff like this can be done by players that are like top20 players in the game (according to my opinion and general as well) and maybe even goes to show that this is not really a huge braingame like QL duel or smth.
- Most people can't get spawntimes by their own (for real, say_team spawntimers should be the most useless thing ever)

Ok most of people can, but I guess the point of mine was that everything relates to spawntimes so even a rough estimate in the first 10-15 seconds should be made out of how they start playing, push out, how quickly they tap out after dying, or do they take the passive start play it safe etc, I don't think most people can judge spawntimes unless the opponent actually selfkills and I'm not talking about that ofc everybody can do that. Right? D: There might be matches where they won't selfkill in the first minute or so and if you (super-spawntime-judge) are away from the situations that give hints about spawntimes you're screwed. Atleast I am in 3on3 very screwed if I don't know their spawntime.
And ok I could go and edit that say_team spawntimers aren't completely wrong but they keep pasting it after minutes of play and unless you're in limbo all the time it's much more handy to just say the spawntime out loud. (For rough estimates I doubt it's handy either - better that everybody has an estimate of their own) And even in more detail, you really should bind the "timer: set"-button to mwheelup or somewhere where it's easily accesible so that you don't need to lift your hands.

- Very, very few players master spread and most people don't have a clue about it really, although it's the most important thing in the game

When I thought about that I realized that every position I take depends on spread, every fight I take depends on spread and just the thing you "aim" better if you have less spread and use your ammo more efficiently. + The mental edge you get by "outspreading" because people think you unhit! ;d The other side of the coin is maximizing the spread for the opponent, forcing him to go to bad situations spreadwise while avoiding those yourself. I think it's like lg vs lg fight in QL, the one with better stack wins. Same goes for ET, the one with less spread wins. Knowing spread means knowing hitboxes too really, so they know about the bugs in hitboxes and lose a whole lot of crouch duels less. And also knows that crouching is surprisingly good dodging in close combat.

- There's no real strategies/tactics that teams use, no serious_teamwork is involved, attacks hardly synchronized, nothing new or innovative strats (coverts, smokes, baits, ..) are used or even thought of

Those strats you listed are very basic stuff. There's no out of the box thinking really, one day somebody figured out that you can sneak the tank in gr and that's like the latest innovation? :d Even though I'm no 6on6 player I have half a dozen new working concepts that can be tried if regular shit don't work. And most of those 6 tactics are one man jobs, imagine if the whole team could do something advanced together!

- Most people don't know the maps (in 3on3), how the maps work (gr cp stage/last stage, supply every stage, ..)

Yeah but for example the thing topteams don't still really get the importance of gr cp stage how you're supposed to play it att/def, you can't take covert really if you attack and you must not rambo and let the axis rebuild it and you gotta be aggressive with cov/eng when you're on axis side trying to defend the cp more than anything. And as soon as they're all in the bank you take covert and get their cp destroyed and it's a 5 minute knockback easily. Maybe people are finally getting that but why is it taking so long! It's like if toxicity in ql was played for a year and then people are getting "hey I should do free damage when he takes the red!" And I think with a little logical thinking people could be a lot better in supply 1st stage. And so on and so forth.

- Hardly anybody, if anybody, analyzes their game, or analyzes the opponent pre-/mid-game

Well okay I guess analyzing opponents pregame is popular now that it's so easy, and maybe watching your own play too D: But probably it's just that people watch how they play from their own or opponent's POV but don't conclude anything. But you're right I wouldn't know just guessing :8(

And the very ultimate point is that the list I made should be like "what to learn first when I start ET"-list and not the requirements to be a LAN winner, yet it is? In ql medskills can time, know the maps by heart, know how the weapons work, the rail angles, nade bounces, how to place rockets, how to predict plasma, they use strategies and have ideas in their heads they think, they have the basic picture where the opponent(s) are and what they are doing, they dodge basic spam, they think about the ammo (or weaponry) and they are good in mental game. Most of ET highskills don't match the list I made :l + knew you would wall of text this journal <3
The west radar mine, is that the glitch mine infront of the parts?

As I've experienced it, it explodes if you get too close, or if you pick up the part from further away with your activate button(can be very glitchy).
Only way I know how to get out of that is either by purposely making it explode by going close and then backing away (which is bad because it's an early alert), or if you have a bit of stamina and sprint jump over it (which you might not have in alot of situations).

How do you do it?
u just need to run in straight line as much left as u can
you don't need stamina for it
im good in every of your points (except for the spread part....there is no spread with smg !????)

still med only (even low+ now i guess)
Quotethere is no spread with smg

not sure if serious

spread =/= recoil
englishskills sucked :x
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