sql inject

Anyone who knows something about sql inject, or hacking databases?

please /q Halidith on #gamehosting or pm on cf
anyone with little understanding of the PHP/Mysql combo does
lol once it was necessary just to put a "; drop database" into a registration field.. but it's overpassed now :D
why dont just ask here?
thought this was about squall
i know who know :

SQL Injection for beginners

   -By: Mark IJbema (Vandread) -

-Purpose of this manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide for beginners SQL injection clearly


For questions and comments: [email protected]


In a url should all braces uri-encoded (% .. characters)

, and the braces itself is not to be used, but for the

legibility is that this tutorial is not done (though do a

hope browsers do this automatically for all but the '=' char behind, as

that you just do yourself (% 3D) then it probably works though)

-What is SQL

SQL is a language for database access. There are both commands to things

to ask if things change. Things request is done as follows:

SELECT <kolommen>

  FROM <tabellen>

  WHERE <voorwaarden>

So for example:

SELECT name, description, price

  FROM products

  WHERE name = '128MB RAM '

The price which you requested on 128MB RAM. However, since you often only a

would result, and a name is not necessarily unique, one often unique

IDs. So if the ID of 128MB RAM instance is 12, sees the query (so hot

a selection in SQL) is as follows:

SELECT name, description, price

  FROM products

  WHERE id = 12

Furthermore, you also update and the like to modify, but it performs

too far here to go deeper.

-Using SQL from websites

Suppose you have a webpage to a product display data. You get

Now as a parameter the id of the product. The URL of the page looks like



then in the PHP code the id in the query is processed. The id is in $ id, and

then the query is as follows:

$ Query = "SELECT name, description, price FROM products WHERE id = $ id"

which as $ id 12 has resulted in:

SELECT name, description, price FROM products WHERE id = 12

what a pretty valid query is.Maar people forgot to check if $ id a

number, and if we are in the query 12 is replaced by something else that is on the

instead of 12 stuck. So for example:



SELECT name, description, price FROM products WHERE id = nonsense

on, and probably you get an error like "crap is not a number". But you

can also supplement the SQL, for example:

http://www.example.com/product.php?id = {666666 OR id = 13}


SELECT name, description, price FROM products WHERE id = 666666 OR id = 13

and now you get to see product 13 (assuming no valid 666666



One of the most important techniques in SQL injection is the UNION operator. In

the previous example, you can customize what you want, but you get as output

Always a name, a description and a price. This is usually not

interesting. Suppose that in the same database also lists usernames,

ids and passwords are, then you really want to have.

You can do this with the following query:

SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE id = 1

exists in the UNION operator to SQL queries to stick together, provided that the

number of columns of the two queries are equal and the types of the results are also

are equal in pairs (string, int, etc.). So to the previous query to the

product query must add an additional column to integer (its

assuming that the price as integer in the database). The query with the union

there will then be seen as follows:

SELECT name, description, price FROM products WHERE id = 12


SELECT username, password, id FROM users WHERE id = 1

by now for 12 a nonexistent ID to use the first query is empty, and

is the result only of the second query. So:

SELECT name, description, price FROM products WHERE id = 666666


SELECT username, password, id FROM users WHERE id = 1

We obtain this query using the following URL:

http://www.example.com/product.php?id = {666666 UNION SELECT username,

password, id FROM users WHERE id = 1}

So we can read a user's password. If you all

user password and username wish, you can write a script

this page retrieves all IDs, page parsed, and in a

nicely format the output shows.


Often instead of IDs or other numbers also strings

given, for example:


Displays the list of all users who are called marks. This looks

something like internal

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... AND name = 'highlight' AND ...

Now we do not want all users with name 'mark', but with

password 'password'. So we want to make the following query:


WHERE ... AND name = 'nonsense' OR password = 'password' AND ...

What we get with the following url:

http://www.example.com/listusers?name = {nonsense 'OR password =' ​​password}

Sometimes it is convenient to ignore the last part, by a

comments to make, the query becomes:


WHERE ... AND name = 'nonsense' OR password = 'wachtwoord'-AND ...

And the url:

http://www.example.com/listusers?name = {nonsense 'OR password =' ​​wachtwoord'-}

-Test if a site is susceptible to SQL Injection

The simplest way to test whether a site is vulnerable to sql

injection by a single quotje in the query string to add in

a variable. If this is a database error occurs the site

vulnerable. If that does not occur, it may still be that the site

vulnerable, but it is probably magic_quotes or something

similar products, which. In that case, you do SQL injection, but you can

thereby no use quotes.


These are roughly have the basics, but there is a lot

more to do, but a lot depends on your own creativity

and the most useful things are often dependent server (from

MS SQLServer instance you can (depending on how it is

configured) sending emails. I hope this is enough to get you

get started, the rest should work with enough creativity in

combination with scripting skills (to automate things). Also

interesting database specific properties are tables showing the

meta-information condition (table names, column names, etc.).



Here u go!
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