need dota2 key for friend...

Hey guys:) It's me again asking, if any of you guys could give me a Dota2 key for my friend.

It would be really nice of you, if you could give him one, so we can play together.

Btw could you guys add me on steam so we can play dota2 together? ;D

Steam id: imgifty

Horrible game mechanics.
"for a friend"
create new steam account
have dota 2 in your gameslist

this is what I did 3 times :-D
But u can't play @ this type of dota client. It's avalible only to watch Internationals and other big dota tournaments. U cant even run a game this way, Still need beta invite to play tho.
need dota2 key for friend... today, 16:06
Dota2 key 3 Sep 2012
Dota2 Key please 2 Sep 2012

ahahahaha this ugly shit noob kid again, asking for a key for game he can't play, saying it's for friend but actually he still haven't got one, after all these months his mother has been sucking cock to make enough money to get the game lol XD ANAL MIDGET KURWA LOL NOOB SHIT UGLY BUT STILL HAVENT GOT LOL XD XD LOL
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