
United States of America Equanimity = United States of America Mccloud whos in love with this german girl he met on ET called Sina :XD

have fun reading, i had tears all over my cheek from laughing.

Quote by BossHK
You two are actually a 3rd couple who I know that have been running a clan and they all have been good, righteous clans. Its the love which makes things to happen, brings the best sides of people to build a such thing as a clan.

Quoteimage: iz9a2a
image: Needs-moar-jpeg

Also G+? I'm calling fake on that one
Heard hes working to get money so he can move to germany where she live
QuoteSina, I know we have ups and downs and disagreements with the clan and other things, but in the end none of that matters to me. you will always and forever will be in my heart and I will miss playing et with you. YOU are the person who really understands me and know who I am. I love you honey see you soon 33
what if ''sina'' turns out to be a guy trolling him :(
That would be so funny
Stop laughing, that's cute.
You're just upset you haven't found true love like he did.
Upset photo is upset. L2life.
umad cause u got quoted :Ddd
oh... wow
So bassicly hes moving from 1 country to anther to loose hes virginity to a girl he met on the internet?

yep it even happens on et guys not only one WoW :D
photo thinks he's cool for making a post on crossfire about it :/

Also just mad cuz you applied to my clan, and got denied XDDDDDDDDDdd
how long was that ago, too long. and after i found out u wanna lose your virginity to a fat german cunt, i didnt wanna be found near you and your cancerinfested nolife clan. + i didnt get denied by u though, some members of u said they didnt want me in cause they said that im a "troller" etc, so i said "i dont even wanna join anymore cause of the way u think about me, close this topic" but nice try though ;)
That's exactly what you are, moronic troller proving just that by making this thread

my virginity was long gone from shagging your fat cunt mother dogface
very mature! :) thanks for proving to me you are indeed a virgin
Also I don't know why you bother or care enough to post this here. what is your goal exactly?

You think it makes you look cool to your internet friends or something? I, on the other hand posted that there because people there actually are my friends. and they deserve to know what's going on in my life and why I need to leave them for some time because I am, well WAS their clan leader.

Get a life photo. and a new hobby other than no lifing forums to post on here to look cool behind PC screen. I could care less what people say here in this thread but I had to address you because you started the thread, you are pretty pathetic and I have personally never even spoke to you nor remember doing anything to you other than denying you from my clan, which I dont regret.

So go ahead and insult me how shit I am and how you are better than me etc. like I give a shit.

P.S, On Mobile so cba to edit my posts, this new CF forum is terrible
youre funny
And you're a retard but i dont need to point that out, thos thread shows your stupidity
yes, my stupidity, youre totally right
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