zeroE'TV | ET.TV - What happend?

May the 7th, the day when the ET.TV found a sponsor. The sponsor helped us to improve in side of audio and video quality. Everything went unxepected good and number of people watching the stream has been growing. Although there were still some cons which must have been improved or eliminated. There were some plans and prepared inovations for the project. We have been talking with a new potential members, videostreamers, shoutcasters (who were able to commentate in Polish, French and German language). Everything went broken when our sponsor zeroE stopped communicate with us. We were unable to catch him on and we have not recieved any response from sponsor so far. We waited if the communication will get on but it did not. Organization zeroE breakdown and we didnt have sponsor.

After that we have decided to take a break during the summer. We left it as it was and after summer we will decide what to do now.

image: players2

After two months of break we have come to point where we knew that our project does not have any future. QuadV stream was here only for a few matches, owzo stopped nearly commentate matches so maybe we will try to restart our project in hope of reactive scene around it.

ET.TV is able to start again with streaming and commentary during matches. Only thing this project needs is healing injection. Organization or somebody, who will be able to secure a new sponsor. Even though if we may not be able to ressurect our project, I do believe that our try in these few matches which we were commentating and streamed was not unuseful.

And I´m really sorry for my english and for grammar mistakes, I´m still studying.
sponsor for what exactly? :d
XSplit Premium Account :)
thats 60$ right? If you rly want to do this then sponsor yourself :D?
I know I haven't been around much lately but what is he/are you talking about?
et is dead, why are you even doing this
I don´t know. Because once I start with something,,, :)
not only expected, but also CARE

+worst text I've seen in a while, FIX TYPOS

no wonder it wasn't accepted as news
What happened*
u psycho are following me :O!
well you're kinda a legend in my eyes ..
nice asslickin, but i definately have to agree on that one xD
wall of text
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWJbD0QpETYX-zuvLumXAk0djj6wW8aLEAPuu5IP1hOIf05zG_

I´m so sorry
Wow... crossfire - community of hypocrites -_-
could you please be more specific?
u know how moms are..
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