
I just had a night with am electricity blackout. Seriously how boring is life without electricity. Maxwell is my hero! Together with the guys who fixed the network here.
good to have always ipod with full battery while it lasts
I had my Eee pc to entertain me
whats fun in a pc when theres no inet??
Watching series ofc
Nikola Tesla should be your hero too
people always remember Thomas Edison but he was a lowbie compared to that man
Tesla was more inventer than physicist. I am a physicist, so I prefer Maxwell!
Still, he wasn't alone. I also study physics and people shouldn't forget about other important men such as Lorentz and Faraday e.g. but as you certainly know (atleast hope so) the list is even longer.
It's a shame we don't really hear such names in schools anymore but it's another debate...
Anyway, image: internet_high_five-2496 physicist colleague :XD
Awesome! Already chosen a specialization?

At uni you always hear the different names, but some are even forgotten in the physics community. Like Brout and Englert who actually published the possible existence of the so-called Higgs 2 months before Higgs. As a Belgian that pisses me off.
Totally agree even if sometimes some physicists work on the same subject without knowing someone else is doing the same. :D

I have to decide what to study for my master degree, pretty hard choice for me :s Good thing is I can do almost everything as I also study chemistry on the same time. But well, it's not really a good thing since I can't choose now :D!

What you studyin?
I'm going into the last year of my master in nuclear physics. That chemistry will only help you for soft matter and solid state physics, but I had no need for it in nuclear physics and I don't see the need in theoretical physics. :p
where? in belgium? which uni?
i plan to leave France
KULeuven! They also have great connections with big research institutions like CERN, ESRF and others. :) I went to CERN this summer for a month for my thesis and will be going back in october.
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