passed out

Was at friends party sittin in the garden on stool last night, went down with my head and blacked out and made a free fall.
Next thing i know i hear a loud bang and crashed my head into some pot with plants on the ground.

i was shook like 'wtf just happened'.

pain on right side of my face, huge wound on my right arm and prolly bruised.
Could be worse but im happy im alive and have nothing to serious.

possible causes; Concusion (bumped my head real hard thursday and was bleeding a bit).
Little sleep, alcohol.

have you ever experienced something like this?

layin low right now!

brain dmg from a 50cm fall? nigga pls :D
im not talking about braindamage anywhere. But having possibly a light concusion already doesnt really mix with alcohol i think.
yes, impossible, ur head is built so it can ressist a ton of pressure
maybe pressure ,but force is another story completely
go to a doctor, i srsly doubt thers anything wrong with you
i dont believe so either. But it was unexpected to me that i passed out, but in retrospect i can figure how it happend.
little sleep does that frequently, as nerds we should watch out
Losers pass out
is this real life
What about:
- go to the hospital / doctor so they can run some tests?

definitely this :p passing out isnt normal
Still wanna sleep with me? Need some company, nao! Fucking iPhone missed reply button :(
yes, lets do this
1. Hit yourself in the head
2. Post it at gaming forum
3. Profit?
Still wanna sleep with me? Need some company, nao!
too much celltech
Thats some serious shit right there. fucking dumb faggot
pics :P
If you've hit your head a second time you should probably get off Crossfire and go see a doctor, for fucks sake don't drink more.
i think it happened because youre a faggot
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