CS:GO Stream CyberGamer CSGO Quali Cup #1

Tonight with KaosTV we will be streaming the qualification cup for the CS:GO CyberGamer league.

Streamer : Lee

Casters : Pansy & Machine

RO 256 (BO1) – Monday 10/09/12 20:30 CET

RO 128 (BO1) – Monday 10/09/12 21:30 CET

RO 64 (BO1) – Monday 10/09/12 22:30 CET
1st Place in this cup will receive a spot in the first season of CGi as well as;
5x Tt eSPORTS Theron Gaming Mice
5x Tt eSPORTS Pyrrhus Gaming Surfaces


keep in mind .. The winners of this cup will face the winners of qualifier #2 in a broadcasted showmatch for 250 Euros.

Join up and tune in for the stream later!

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last time i tried to watch cs streams i fell asleep. absolutely no spectator excitement (from an ex-et perspective) and a torturing lack of gameplay mechanics.
too bad cod4 is done for that came nowhere close to ET but was still a lot better than this faggotry.
why dont cast something that people actually wonna watch? bring on some hots
CS:GO Can be fun. Honestly i listen to half of the other streamers n casters out there and its pretty dull. I dont really like the rigid caster+strat guy its boring and not exactly great to watch. Give the stream a chance tonight and i shall entertain.

What other good FPS games are there with scope to shoutcast at lans and get more then 20people per stream?
competitve fps is dead. time to move on to other stuff. or, if you dont care about the views (and lets be brutally honest cs:go gets appalling numbers, magic the gathering gets more views) cast something you enjoy. if that is cs:go fair enough but would be cooler to see some proper game such as ql or hell, even et.
all in all though fps have never been good to watch, let alone the titles that are completely reduced to gunplay, mechanics wise.
honestly i love casting CSGO so far its a challenge, CoD4 community let me down alot but ET has always been a possibility but its hard for me to tell people who invest into me that im going to cast a game like ET for almost no viewers as sell out ish as that sounds.

I love FPS games and i really dont have any enjoyment towards things like LoL or Dota so this thats my options :D
no strategy either? that is where its at.
also dont forget that all the casting, streaming and putting up VODs on youtube has pretty much originated in (or became as big of a deal) in WoW so I do expect quite a lot of sPvP coverage from gw2 once they get around to balancing it.

its quite hard for me to understand the appeal of cs. over all the years i have often times been confronted with it but to this date i didnt buy a single copy (not even cs:go even tho its only 13€ and i had the beta for months). cod4 was incredibly boring/simple/limited of a game when judging from an ET perspective. cs cuts the ironsights and the movement to offer an even duller experience.

great if you like it, ill tune in to check out wether cs really is a boring game or if the casters failed so far, but dont expect too much of it. cs:go will always be played, simply because it is a cs, but we really do need a revamp if competitive fps's are to survive. lets see what reborn will be like (if it ever comes)
This game has no future at all, it's shit to spec, shit competitive and maybe a decent pubgame.
Dont get why people put time casting/streaming this, is it because teams like NiP verygames etc started playing this? From what ive been reading no "proplayer" who played this game said it's a nice game, they move on because its the only chance they got from not having a normal job. Phatetic shit it is
i guess the answer to your question "why" would be:
for the lack of alternatives.

or at least this is how i understood her.
its far from that, CSGO has potential to grow into something but it needs the FPS community to get behind it and support it. There is already shoutcasting overlays and great features that work with the eSports community. I put time into casting and streaming it because it has that potential there and i enjoy the game, i hate casters who just jump into games purely for the money or the viewership...it shows in their casting. I like FPS this is the new FPS to go to and i want to see how it can grow.

You sound like youv looked at HLTV and made up your mind.
it has no potential to grow real big, no fps game does

other than that, it has littlefuture depending on how much valve puts money into it, same as dota 2
arent we a grumpy bum!
I made up my mind when i played the beta and was reading hltv and fragbite, and from what it looks like people play it cause they have to, only reason it have potential is cause some of the bigger names moved onto it.
I think you are seeing it from a really bad perspective, HLTV is filled with bitter old 29 year olds who wouldnt move over to a better game nor would they ever admit it. The likes of cadred and rather interested as is tek9 as is alot of people out there. Give it a chance prior to condemning it
You seem to ignore that i wrote fragbite, where heaton get_right fifflaren x6tenz etc answerd an interview where none of them said its a nice game, and cs:go will never be a good fpsgame cause its to slow, u move like ur 90+ and its like pubing in mw2.
your listing 1.6 players :D
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