Howto change CF design?

for god sake

came back after months and i am like wot ze fuck?! am I on the right site? checked my browser...

sorry no offense but i dont like this puristic white'n'shine design. it looks like any other blog site to me :S

is there any WAY to get a other design for this site again? maybe the old cf3 design?

I remember some people created a .css file or something for a firefox addon where you were able to change site design and layout....


for god sake, my english sucks donkeyballz yes it does


gtfo white :/
cf 3.0 had a cool theme function now its upgraded they removed that shit and added in a "wall" cause of facebook? me not understandos.

Guess the only reason is to be able to still sell it to someone else
Antman made something to darken it a bit (link), but there isn't anything like the old design (hopefully they're working on it, though).

image: 9t0wL
missed this journal! thanks, downloaded it and it looks way better imo! Good guy Brisk :)

need colour code of old cf design the yellow/brown one
Being worked on
I prefer a blue background with white letters.

That being said, you guys are a bunch of babies. Nothing wrong with the current layout.
Its personal, some like penis some like vagina.
i still believe majority on this site like vagina, just like darker design
they should make a poll about this, oh wait cf 4.0 no cool poll on the frontpage
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