RTCW COOP small testvideo


Release at the end of september.

It will include a competitive gametype.
released by who exactly? :d

looks interesting though!
hi fretn
looks good
how good is the antilag?
its the ET antilag
good to hear its getting released!
nice one fretn!
looks really awesome :o
if this works its really awesome :D
very cool
niceee :D keep going
More details would be sweet
There are three gametypes. One regular coop game, just for fun. And two who are more aimed at competitive play. These gametypes are not fully polished yet, as it is difficult to playtest this (the mod is not public yet).
One is called, speedrun and the point of it is to finish the maps as fast as possible (and brag about your teams time on the internet), I'm not fully convinced about this gametype, but I'll leave it in the first release, maybe there will be some nice tips to make it more fun.
The second comp gametype is called Battle. You play the sp levels with two players and you score points based on damage given / (damage received * leveltime). The player who has the highest score at the end of the map wins.
Looks great! Was just wondering, being coop, do the levels contain more enemies/a bigger challenge? More enemies would be delicious even in the original single :|
You can choose when you start a server: normal amount of enemies, extra enemies or a big amount of extra enemies.

There is also an option to make the enemies respawn. (+- every 20seconds and not when you are looking at their corpse)

Their aim is also a lot better on the harder skills.

There are three types of spawnpoints. One is that every 30 seconds the position of the player is saved. This position is the spawnpoint that will be used when he dies.
The second is a bit the same, but you have to press a button yourself to save your position, so if you forget it, and you die, you'll spawn very far back.
A third option is with forward spawnzones, with flags you need to capture, ala wolfmp.
vnice, looking forward to playing this
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