9/11 memories

9/11- 2001
What were you doing at the time of the attack?

image: september11

e: any documentary (non-conspiracy type) you recommend?
I can't help but remember being at home. Could that be the case with timezones and shit? Can't really remember being at school at least..
I remember celebrating this superb event.
I pray God fills your heart and saves your soul before you die of a slow, painful death
Thanks fucking weak. Cunt is the only way I can sum you up right now.
i celebrated my 9th birthday
that rifleshot

yeah, love it too
I was young. I came back from school, waited for my mother, my brother and a friend of him to be back from the town they worked/went to school.

They told me "something big happened in new york". I was like.. yeah, cool story bro. But then we turned on the television.
I was not really impressed. As I mentioned already, I was young. The only terriying fact I remember was the people jumping off the windows.

Too bad I was too young to remember more accurately.
I was gonna go to bed at then suddenly it was all over the news.

just watching TV and upset cuz all stations showing burning building and suddenly BAM 2nd plane hits live on TV. they should fucking let it go already
Driving somewhere with my father, then phone rang and someone said that tune in at the radio.
oh the good ol' times with radio
I listen to radio everytime I am driving.
yeah i do too, but it just sounded funny. tune in :D
Was at school and I saw my mother in the corridors (yes she is a teacher). Then she told me WWIII was starting :D
big tits at school

haha my mother tends to overreact sometimes :D
lol my parents told me the same thing :D!
I dont know, probably gaming or smtn
OMG gamestv........no matches.....

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et is death
Was at school, came home and saw the 1st tower fall.
was returning from school, found my mother crying in front of tv
was shooting some pool with a friend ready to meet up with some other friends, then got a phonecall from another friend telling me to turn on the tv.
saw docu of the ppl who were jumping out the 100th floor etc. worth watching
My mom picked me up from my granparents place and we were driving home when we heard about it, my mom went crazy since my Dad was in NY two days prior to 9/11 and she tried to call him but it didnt work since the lines were "croweded".
He called us two hours later, telling that he is safe (obviously, he was in CO for close to two days already) which was a big reliev for all of us.
He was sheduled to leave the States at 9/12 but it took him over a week to get back due to the airtraffic being shut down.
My dad lost 3 people from his team in IBM's WTC-Office.
I was home from school about the time when the first tower fell.
hur look how much respect i show for the people that died there by saying what i was doing when i heard that a plane crashed into a buildingimage: 9Qrmt
i was opening my champaigne
I was at work when someone called and said "a plane crashed into a building in NY".

we turned on the radio, but I didn't get the whole dimension until I was home and could watch it on tv. we didnt have internet at work, and I wasnt even sure what the WTC was xD
Since 9/11 they killed 2.5million civilians in Iraq and created 3 wars and trying to create another in Syria in retaliation that had nothing to do with it, so fuck them. + Way to much evidence against to ever believe that some cavemen hijacked those planes with pen knives and flew them into those buildings.
- why was there nano thermite on the steel bases?
- why did Fema recycle the steel 2 days later before forensic examination?
- why has a steel structure never collapsed from fire before or after?
- how can fuel which has a maximum temp of 800C melt steel?
- why did an enitre floor of Israeli bankers not show up to work that day?
- why did larry silverstein admit he demolished his build (building 3) on camera? how di the other two buildings fall down from the wind?
- why were there a group of israeli secret service cheering when it fell down (eye witenesses)?
- why does the greatest engineer (nobel prize winning) say it was impossible + 7000 more engineers signed a petition agreeing?
- why were certain political figures warned and cancelled their flights that day?
- why was there not a single piece of debree at the Pentagon and everyone had evacuated that wing of the building? - - why was the whole not even big enough for the nose of the plane to fit through?
- why did dick cheney say "we need anther Pearl habour"?
- why did Bush and Silverstein take out 1billion insurance policies on the buildings collapsing from fire 2 weeks before and make billions $?
- in 1992 why did the CIA employ an ex Egyptian general to blow up the WTC but he had a crisis of conscience and audio taped his meetings with the CIA agents -- you can request the transcription from any public library in the US
- why were they developing the technology to remote control a Boeing 707 since 1997?
i could go on.. wake up, smell the bullshit
please go on about Israeli
I can give you a very strong theory about some of your points:

There were nuclear war heads based deep under the air (invented and originally used by the military to quickly make military buildings disappear) which's energy transforms into x-ray radiation at the moment of the blast. Due to that everything above them melts. Officially there has never been an examination about if they were in use, but there is proof that this technique was placed in order to be able to blast away the towers when they are old and insecure, without hitting other buildings. A point that strengthened this theory was the large amount of leukemia victims within the next few years after 9/11. If they used it it has most likely saved many lifes/buildings, but of course they wouldn't say that in public :d

About the Israelis, there were threatenings about 9/11, so I can imagine that they were scared and did not go to work, or maybe it was a jewish public holiday? Same counts for politicians...

Boeing 707s are old, they are pretty much only in use for tests nowadays, so I guess you can do the maths on that one.

The impacted pentagon wing was not evactuated before the Impact and
image: Pentagon-9-11 says it all

I think at most points there isn't something suspicious at all, but I wouldn't be so sure who really made the plans for highjacking the planes. Either terrorists, the oil industry (in hope to get involved with the resources of the iraq)togheter with/or the pentagon. Anyway, I doubt we will ever really know what was going on...
i bet you learned all that from the internets!

didnt read btw conspiracy shit in this is for idiots
you cannot seriously believe about this conspiracy stuff :S , i sadly ended watching what i didn´t want originally (a conspiracy-type documentary) and it is rlly bullshit man.. well that is a huge discussion i already had with many peeps but i don´t feel like typing all this again... but it´s been proven its all pure crap this conspiracy theories man...it was an attack ...
this video is rlly retarded..
dunno why is it so hard for you to believe that some members of a huge terrorist group with training and who had killed probably many people in their lives with knives guns, etc, would have any sort of difficulty smuggling a knife into a plane 11 years ago puting in some1s neck , going into the cockpit and knocking the captain and the crew down? Killers vs regular inocent ppl... what is there so hard to believe,. put your self in the shoes of of any person in one of these planes..: You are there chilling out hearing your ipod, suddenly some terrorist with a knife tells you to stfu or he will blow up a bomb mid-air , what you gonna do hero man..
and well so many other stupid points in that video that is way too long explaining but lol why would u even believe in a conspiracy theory when the osama accepted it was him and his terrorist group who did the attack? .---> sounds like fun yeaa lets just go on tv and say we killed 3000 ppl with some planes just so the americans can now have an excuse to come kill us and take our oil! hell yea!

A terror group that was nothing before the CIA started to fund and build it up in the 80s you mean? You think that is a conspiracy too? Watch this BBC documentary on the rise and of al-Qaeda (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Nightmares) after CIA appointed bin laden as the leader, even the CIA public admit that bin laden was an agent for them in the 80s - do you think that is a conspiracy?
ye i heard about this training stuff , doesn´t change the fact that bin laden turned against them and killed nearly 3000 ppl? not a conspiracy tho....9/11..
I was home, in New York, working when it happened.

Not NY City, but Buffalo. I was a truck driver then, backed into a loading dock, getting my trailer loaded when my Mother called me to tell me what was happening, so I went into the plant, which was deserted, found the break room, which was packed with people around the 2 TV's in there and we watched the entire the thing happen, filled with anger, confusion, tears....

I remember that for a long time, seeing a plane in the sky meant apprehension, wondering, "IS it going up? Or coming down?" I remember how quiet it was that day, after it happened. Empty streets. Police cars at every corner. No traffic. Just quite. And sad.....

It was the worst thing I could ever imagine. I had been to the top of the World Trade Center, and been to NY City a million times, always looking forward to seeing those towers, and now, they're gone. And over 3,000 people, including children, wives, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers... all innocent people who were just at work, just a normal Tuesday, doing their routine...... they're gone. They died.

Those 3000 people never attacked another country. They never tried to influence their will on some other Government. They were just supporting their families by going to work, or school..

It's something that as A New Yorker, especially, I've learned, has a deep profound affect that will never leave me.

Anyone above that's making fun of what happened that, I pray to God, you find a conscience and realize just how stupid and disrespectful you make yourself look by posting shit like that
I lived in Brooklyn back then and I could see the towers from my rooftop, I was a kid back then. But it was so sad to see people jumping out the building to save their lives. Just scary and horrible.
There are a ton of Documentaries, but one of the best is http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/inside-911/
My parents were in the Twin Towers a week earlier. Lucky me.
you mean, poor you!
Was at school playing some football before lessons restarted, then the director came and said something like : there was a terrorism act in America or something, can't remember exactly
I read dictator xDDDDDDDDd
was pretty much the same tbh :p
I was stuck in Miami or Florida, as my family wanted to take the plane back to Austria and the planes had to stay on ground
I was at school and all of a sudden all the teachers were crying and what not. No one would tell us what was going on. Then my mom picked me up and took me home. I remember fighter jets flying around and what not. My mom told me what happened and I was just in shock.
You could see the two lights they send into the sky as a memorial from my house. Pretty sick.
RIP to all those who died.
Quotemy phone picked me up and took me home

Nokia flying carpet 2k1 limited edition?
mate u made me laugh so much XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD-
mate u made me laugh so much XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD-
typical for american ppl to cry at such an event
u are so fucking stupid
do you live near ny?
I lived in Brooklyn back then, now I live in Staten Island one of the 5 boroughs which makes up New York City.
nearly 3000 americans were killed , any person with a little soul would feel bad and eventually cry ..
I remember it,we just moved to an new house,had no TV yet but got internet,reading it and thinking to myself,poor world,enjoy your muslims..
I do feel the amaricans,we know how it feels like,it was a bad day for all of us.
I was watching jeremy Kyle go on about shit way over head.

Today, I'm watching jeremy Kyle go on about 9/11. Similar story!

Statistically, 9/11 of you won't get this.
It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and loses about half of its strength at 650°C.

Also, dispite being related, heat and temperature are different.
i remember asking "is this a movie?"
it was just so fucking shocking
i still cant believe that someone actually did that
yeah agreed and islam sucks. but recently i watched a movie ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0914863/ ) which made me go all 'dontwannaliveonthisplanetanymore' because something from a totally different scale is coming... nobody can argue that there won't be ww3, or more terrorist acts etcetc. nobody knows where when and by who but more serious shit is gonna happen with nucleardevices and shit. might not be our generation but our children suffering badly :( shit!
u cant blame an entire religion on this act :<
there are extremists everywhere
but yes the world is fucked up
dont know about those who were responsible for wtc, what they stood up for, but islam and their holy war has screwed a lot of lives over
they are idiots..... suicide is not allowed islam
its punishable by hell for eternity
how many people died on 9/11: about 3000
how many people died in the "war against terror": more than 300.000

how much do we care about all those people who died on 9/11: alot,the media is full of 9/11 stuff year in year out
how much do we care about all those killed civilians in iraq/afghanistan: we dont give a shit,the media doesnt even care to speak about killed civilians,because muslim lifes are just worth nothing in their eyes

as much as i really feel sorry for all those who died on 9/11 (alot of people die everyday...and nobody cares...but 9/11 was just so spectacular that everybody cares),now i really understand the thinking of al-qaida and i respect everyone who fights for freedom and against capitalist suppression.the usa have been exloiting the middle eastern states for almost 100 year already,stealing their oil and leaving people there poor.yes,oil has been a big business already since the early 1920s and still is

i dont think 9/11 was an inside job,but it was a present for the bush administration to start two MAJOR war against afghanistan and iraq,who obviously didnt even have anything to do with the 9/11 attacks.but war is one of the biggest businesses in the world....you can sell tanks,missiles,guns...you can take all the taxpayers money and can put it in the pockets of your friends or family members (and thats what bush did)...as a bonus you get HUGE oil reserves to sell for exorbitant prices

i could go on and on...but the important thing is just to realize,that 9/11 was bad because it hit only people who were innocent (then again,the WTC was full of banks...so maybe some werent that innocent either...but lets assume all of them were hard and honest working people) but what the usa is doing for centuries!!!! is so much worse i dont even know an adjective to describe that.it starts with robbing the land from the indians,to the wars against mexico,to the war against korea,to the war against vietnam,gulf war 1,gulf war 2...next on the list will be iran
you just have to realize how many innocent,non-american people died in all those wars...but yet we care about some 3000 people...i guess more people die everyday by starving
9/11 is just some hyped up event. A perfect example of how the media influences our brains & thinking patterns on stuff like these arab ppl etc
dno don't care
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