new PC

hoi nerdfire,

gonna buy a new PC, this is my choose

CPU: i7 3770K (4x 3.5 Ghz, Ivy Bridge)
CPU cooler: Scythe Mugen 3
Mainboard: 1155 ASRock Z77 Extreme4
graphic card: EVGA GeForce GTX 680, 2 GB (standard version)
RAM: 16.384 MB DDR3 Dual Channel 1.600 MHz NANYA
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200, 1 TB
SSD: OCZ Agility 3, 120 GB
PSU: Cooler Master GX Series, 80 Plus Bronze, 650W
Case: Fractal Design Define R4
random 24x DVD writer (dont need blu-ray)

Smth. you would change? Dont know about RAM (never heard about NANYA) and that SSD (good? bad?) for example.

how much for that ssd?
I would go for a well known Ram... XMS3 or HyperX...
The SSD i a good choise, quality for the cash.
If you ever think of going SLI chose another case.
Can get crowded in that one..
I would go for a Antec P280 or CM690.
And depending on your budget, i would go for AMD FX cpu. More cash for the rest... :)
thx for your feedback

- I doubt that i will ever go for SLI. That GTX 680 should be enough for some time. But i just saw that the CPU cooler is too big for that case, because the 200 mm build in case fan (left side of the case) goes to deep inside. Gonna take a look at that Antec's....

- i could get 16384MB Corsair Vengeance Low Profile 1600MHz for 23 € extra...

- budget is OK, im still ~ 100 € under my max so ive got space for some extras :) Plus i would always take a intel CPU :P
Actually SLI gives same effect as ET on quad core.
It actually more thrown away money then profit from performance.
- go for Samsung 830 or Crucial M4 SSD
- Take Intel Core i5 3570K, unless you really need hyperthreading

I would personally spend less money and upgrade sooner, the price/performance with a card like the GTX660ti is better, and you can easly upgrade later.

Also 16gb is a bit overkill, I have 8 and only use like half of it @ gaming, but with the low RAM prices it is future proof so 16gb is also fine. I would take a brand like G Skill or Corsair (Ripjaws / Vengeance)

Rest looks fine
- gonna go for the Vengeance, its just + 23 €^^
- i am rly unsure about the CPU and definitely gonna take a look at this
- i just want the gtx 680 :D even when i know its not rly necessary
also I don't trust asrock, you should probably check to make sure it doesn't have any coil whine. Also look into MSI, they built better aftermarket gpu's than evga does ( power edition, twin frozr 4)
The Coolermaster 612PWM is really cool as an air cooler too ( and great price/performance ratio, probably not going to do better with air cooling ).
i can only go for this

Scythe Katana 3 (Sockel Intel/AMD)(SCKTN-3000)
Standard Cooler Box o.Ä. wird vom CPU Hersteller mitgeliefe
Scythe Big Shuriken 2 Rev. B (Sockel Intel/AMD)(SCBSK)
Scythe Mugen 3 (Sockel Intel/AMD)(SCMG-3000) [Info] [Bild]
Antec Kühler H2O 620 Hydro (Sockel Intel/AMD)(0761345-77085

How about the Antec Kühler H2O 620 Hydro? :D
I don't really know about antec's kit hydro coolers.. they should be fine.

take a look at corsair,, they provide very similar coolers. Especially the H60 and H100 are amazing ( though I guess you're on a budget.. )
QuoteCPU: i7 3770K (4x 3.5 Ghz, Ivy Bridge)
CPU cooler: Scythe Mugen 3
Mainboard: 1155 ASRock Z77 Extreme4
graphic card: EVGA GeForce GTX 680, 2 GB (standard version)
RAM: 16.384 MB DDR3 Dual Channel 1.600 MHz NANYA
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200, 1 TB
SSD: OCZ Agility 3, 120 GB
PSU: Cooler Master GX Series, 80 Plus Bronze, 650W
Case: Fractal Design Define R4
random 24x DVD writer (dont need blu-ray)

Ditch the I7, go for the I5 - 3570k instead, the only real advantage you get is the Hyper Threading which no "average" or "normal" PC user will ever require.
I'd recommend going with the Thermalright Macho HR-02 instead, cheaper and slightly better. The Mugen is great but fairly dated.
Motherboard's decent, but might want to look into MSI Z77A G43, cheaper and offers the same if not more. Perhaps even the G45 if you feel the necessity.
GPU's fine, not my personal choice but fairly decent.
PSU is way overkill, look into a 400-450W, you won't ever need more for this rig unless you most definitely plan on upgrading to SLI/CrossFire. be quiet comes to mind
RAM you may want to look into Corsair Vengeance or Samsung sticks ( ) , very resistance and reliable when OC'd and a lot less prone to failure. The Samsung' are actually very cheap as of right now.
The SSD is albeit not as popular and very liked, I love it. Been running the same model in my HTPC for a while now.
HDD's fine, though you could get WD CaviarBlack instead for the same price +/- 10EUR which will do slightly better.
thx a lot for your feedback. Got no more time for this today, but gonna take a closer look at your suggestions tomorrow - especially about CPU and Motherboard!!
+1 for switching the i7 for the unlocked i5
oxy comments incoming to help you

oh wait... :D
Take a look at this:
Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H
Samsung 830 SSD 128GB
Corsair Vengeance LowProfile 16GB DDR3 1600MHz
Cooler: Macho or Mugen, the Macho is slightly bigger and a pain in the ass to install if you don't have a very long screw driver.
I can also recommend the Bitfenix Shinobi case if you want to save some money. Should you decide to get the windowed version, buy a Mugen instead of the Macho.

If you use your PC only for gaming, save some money and get 2x4GB RAM. If you need more, you can always put another kit in it. Also remember that when using 16GB RAM, you will lose 32GB of disk space on your SSD (16GB for the hibernation file and 16GB for the pagefile).
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