
Sup cf,

So I was browsing 4chan /fa/ & saw a tumblr thread
& it made me wonder how many ppl on crossfire has tumblr..

Feel free to post ur tumblr, ill be sure to check it out
Heres mine http://theycallmecharmander.tumblr.com
If you like the stuff make sure to follow, i usualy follow back if i like ur stuff too :)


image: tumblr_lzmk8kGLPx1qmzhmeo1_500
have to use it for school, think it's quite gay tbh.
what do you use it for at school?
We have to upload our projects there so that our teachers can easily review it.
thats kinda smart tho :p
i started using it for school cuz i had filled my "inspiration book" but found myself just reblogging stuff i like after a week :D
yeah it's smart, but wouldn't use it for anything else really.
http://einhornkotze.tumblr.com/ I try not to reblog too much. Just sharing photos that I find interesting.
I like your taste btw!
thought it was only used for jaibait
Followed, didnt blog much recently though. Need to start blogging more and grab some followers :)
soup > tumblr

Mine is 99% reblogs only though and nothing productive at all. Good place to waste time.

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