Another question! guid &

Hello crossfire, hope there is some1 who can help me..

If u have some GUID (likely ETPRO GUID),and u cant find any info. about that player,what u can do,or what does that mean?


for example,it was guy on pub without TZAC (ab :/ ) and i know his guid,but

says no matches..

What does that mean? :(

thanks for atleast one reply :D
ETPro & PB GUIDs are unreliable, you should search by IP and/or TZAC GUID instead
ETPro guids are, ETPb guids not unless someone simply switches the etkey
never heard of a spoofer?
or even ETPRO guid bugs? For example many ppl having the same guid.
what I was saying is that ETPro guids are unreliable, and about spoofers... you can usually track that by the IP anyway
ah ok sorry got that wrong ;)
and about PBGuids , well there is no active PB-support neither a streaming service(PBbans etc.). So why should we care about them?

TZAC is the way to go.
well, ggc and gv actually still offer PB stream/support, dunno about PBbans, so you actually missed something there... anyway, pbguids are still usefull to find returned cheaters from time to time
lol and how can i get his IP from server ? :/
you can't, unless it is your server

why do you need this player's information so badly anyway?
Its not just about this boy..
I wanted to help one man with his server (he "deleted" tzac addon,so it wont be that empty,as it was with tzac on..) and he cant be there 24/7..

And im pretty active since im coming home early (2hours out with friends is good enough :D ) and got trainings just 2 times per week (1hour,5minutes from house..) so i have a lot of time and i play mostly there..

And since there is no tzac addon,there is a few cheater (ab or wh) everyday.. I wanted to help him with guids,ips etc etc...

sry for english :D
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