ppl with cod4/cs/tf2/.. competitionserver knowledge

Hellooooooo guysss

I need some people that have some knowledge about the whole 'competetion' mods/settings/files of the following games:

Call of Duty 4
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike: Source
Team Fortress
-more, if you have knowledge of the competetion stuff in a different dedicated server based game and wish to help please let me know, the more the better!

What I need to know is per game:
Which files/maps/settings are needed for a default warserver and anything else that is required for a competetive gameserver in that specific game.

If you can help me explain and set all of this up I could reward you with your own server with the proper settings for a month or two :D

This is all for a new upcoming project very secretive and all sshh shhh so would love it if someone or more people could help me!

PM me on crossfire, xfire: Tiropag, or call me: 0900-W000000
looks like you need a server admin

/q me for job
Actually it is just a one time 'job' for specific gamemods. Can figure it out myself as well but might take me a lot longer.
Most common CoD4 maps: Strike, Crash, City, Vacant, Crossfire, Backlot.
Will just upload all the maps I can find I guess, any good link for a lot of maps?
Dont, its useless :p Nah man, no idea. Pretty sure you can find a topic with some help over at tek-9 or cybergamer tho :)
The more the better ;)
don't want people to come afterwards asking for maps all the time if they really want to play one or whatever.
Well, those are the only maps played in competition so :p But do whatever you want :o]
for cod4 the maps are standard running since u use ur whole cod4 installation for th e server files, u dont need to upload them like in ET

(They are like the 6 standard maps in ET)
Would have to check which ones are installed by default on my own system then, not sure which are in the root. But thanks :D
how about asking wessie for cod4? oh wait :XD
He does not play competitive so never works with those servers, else I would have asked him yes.
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